Monday, December 21, 2015

Last Day before Holiday Break 2015

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspect of technology, written language and culture as it relates to Ancient China.


Today, students will discuss the unique food of Ancient China.  Students will start class by watching a video about interesting meals served in China today and their link to the past.

1000 year egg!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Tai Chi and Chopsticks

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, written language and culture as it relates to Ancient China.


Today, students discussed the historic background of chopsticks and Tai Chi.  Students had the opportunity to practice both concepts in class.

History of Chopsticks

History of Tai Chi

Friday, December 18, 2015

Traditional Chinese Music and Chinese characters

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, written language and culture as it relates to Ancient China.

QOD - Describe the music you are hearing. Traditional Chinese music

Today, students created notes to a classmate in Chinese characters and had a classmate translate. Students finished watching the Shaolin monk video.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chinese Characters

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, written language and culture as it relates to Ancient China

QOD - Team Challenge

Translate the Chinese characters on the board

Today, students discussed the evolution of Chinese characters.  Students had an opportunity to learn create their own pictographs similar to Hieroglyphics and Chinese characters.  Students had the opportunity to write a note to a classmate using Chinese characters.  All students completed an exit slip on the information discussed in class.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Poetry and Kung Fu

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, written language and culture as it relates to ancient China.

QOD - Poetry Analysis

Today, students analyzed a poem related to the Great Wall.  Next, student watched more of the Kung Fu video and created a list of skills and attributes of a Shaolin monk.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Yeh Shen - Chinese Cinderella

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, culture, and written language as the relate to Ancient China

Today, students began class by discussing folktales from around the world.  As a class, we read Yeh Shen, the Chinese version of Cinderella written in the 9th century.  Students compared this version to the one they are familiar and analyzed the Chinese version for cultural references. Students completed a graded exit slip before leaving class.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

Final Journal Day and Kung Fu Training

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, culture, written language as it relates to Ancient China.  


Today, students will have time to finish their Silk Road journals.  Students that are finished will be able watch a video on Shaolin Kung Fu.  This week each day will end with a exit slip related to a cultural aspect of Ancient China.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Journal Assessment - Silk Road

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China.


Today, students will use their itineraries and profile sheets to write a fictional journal entry.  Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the geography and trading on the Silk Road.  Students will finish and print their journals on Monday.  The profile sheet is below, along with more journal examples.  

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Last Day to Prepare for Journal Entry Assessment

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China.


Today, students will be working with a substitute to prepare for the journal entry on Friday.  I will be attending a training session.  Students will have computer and a wealth of resources to compile details for their journal entry.  Students will listen to music and silently write their journal entries on Friday in class.  There will be extended time on Monday to complete the journals.  

Day 1.
Today has finally come.  I have been saving silk that I have grown for a while now in preparation for my journey.  For years now I have watched rich merchants traveling all over Asia and coming back with exotic spices, jewelry, metals, and supplies.  Ever since my friend returned I have yearned to explore the world and return rich.  I have been looking at maps and journals from other merchants and now I have finally chosen a route. My name is QiáozhìI and I live in Chang'an, the capital of China.  I will set out and travel south into India where I will trade for spices then to Africa where I hope to acquire ivory and finally across the Mediterranean where I will trade silk for wine and then back home.  I will keep a journal and write in it every time something important happens to me.

Students will need to include the following:
1. Name of traveler and role (merchant, bandit)
2. Nine details related to the itinerary
3. Date on the Silk Road
4. Proper spelling and grammar

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Silk Road Itinerary

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China.


Today, students used their resources and computers to begin filling in the itinerary chart for the Silk Road.  All students need a complete chart by Friday.  Students will use the chart to create a journal entry about a fictional journey on the Silk Road.  Students will be assessed on their ability to make connections with the information studied.  Students must complete the journal entry by Monday.  

Silk Road Itinerary due Friday

Monday, December 7, 2015

China Climate Regions & Itinerary work time

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China.

QOD - Vocabulary Activity

Today, students examined the climate zones of China and discuss how they would effect trade on the Silk Road.  Students began to fill in their itineraries to prepare for their Silk Road journal entries on Friday.  

Silk Road Itinerary

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China.

QOD - Brainstorm a list of items that might be in an merchants itinerary.

Geographic features
food/water sources

Today, students will learn about their upcoming assessment on geography.  Student checked their documents to prepare their resources.  Students will use the resources to create an itinerary and journal entry.  Below is a picture of the itinerary and map for Friday.  Students will start collecting their resources and information tomorrow.  

Itineraries are due on Friday!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Documents from the Silk Road

Learning goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China.


Today, student will be working with a sub because I am at home with an illness.  Students will complete two documents related to the Silk Road.  Next week students will begin to organize their information into an itinerary and journal entries. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dangers on the Silk Road

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China

QOD - What were the dangers on the Silk Road?


Today, students completed their vocabulary packet.  Next, the took notes from the video Crash Course World History: Silk Road . Finally, students had time in class to work on their homework assignment.  The worksheet is available below.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Ancient China Vocabulary and Silk Road

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China.


Today, students review vocabulary through images for team points.  Next, students discussed more vocabulary for Ancient China.  Finally, students analyzed an image of the Silk Road.  Some mods were able to start on the article related to the Silk Road.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ancient China Map and Vocabulary

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the development of Ancient China

QOD - Name the geographic features

Himalayan Mountains
Tibetan Plateau
Taklamakan Desert
Gobi Desert
Huang river
Yangtze river
Pacific ocean

Today, students competed against the clock to earn 15 points for their team.  To win the points each group had to accurately complete their maps of China.  Next, students took notes on vocabulary for Ancient China.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ancient China Unit!

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped the Ancient China civilizations

QOD - List countries in Asia.

List of Asian countries

Today, students brainstormed the countries of Asia while standing to stay active.  Next, students listened to a Podcast about the geography in China and filled in important information.  Finally, students worked on a map of Ancient China.  This will prepare them for the Silk Road/Geography assessment.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Last day before Thanksgiving

No learning goal until Ancient China

Today, students will finish watching the Sudan refugee video.  If there is time after our discussion on the video.  The students will watch a video on the history of Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Culture Shock - Lost Boys of Sudan

No learning goal until Ancient China

Today, students will finish watching a video of the Lost Boys of Sudan transitioning to living in the United States.  Students will also discuss their weekend activities.  Most students have completed their Indus Mystery paper, but there are a few stragglers who will finish today.  

Last day of the Indus Valley Unit

Learning Goal: I can recognize the aspects of technology, written language, arts, culture, government and religion as it relates to the Indus Valley.


Today, students finished filling in their seven characteristics graphic organizer.  To transition from Indus Valley to Ancient China, students will watch a video called, "God Grew Tired of Us".  This video looks at a group of Sudan's "Lost Boys" and their life in the United States. The Ancient China unit will begin after Thanksgiving Break.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Last Day to Finish Indus Mystery

Learning Goal: I can investigate the theories behind the fall of the Indus Valley civilization


Today, students started class by filling in a graphic organizer for the Indus Valley.  Students will fill in the aspects of a civilization that fit with the Indus Valley.  Next, students will have class time to type, proofread and print their papers to turn in early.  All papers are due by the end of the day tomorrow, Friday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Writing a research paper - Indus Valley

Learning goal: I can investigate the theories behind the fall of the Indus Valley 


Today, students started typing their Indus mystery paper.  The paper is due on Friday.  Below are the requirements discussed today.

Intro - 2-3 sentences
- what is the Indus Valley?
- what are you trying to prove?

Body - 4-5 sentences 
-support the theory

- restate the theory and connect to the world

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Indus Mystery Research #2

Learning Goal: I can investigate the theories behind the fall of the Indus Valley.


Today, students started class with a current events discussion.  After the discussion, students had to rest of the mod to complete their research for the Indus Mystery paper.  The paper will be due on Friday. Students can use the following the website to research at home (

Indus Mystery Project

Learning Goal: I can investigate the theories behind how the Indus Valley fell.


Today, students started class by watching the rest of Crash Course: Indus Valley by John Green.  This video will prepare students to begin the project.  Below is an image of the project rubric and directions. The project will be due on Friday, Nov. 20th.  Students had class time to begin researching theories.

Plan for the week
Monday and Tuesday - Research
Wednesday - Research paper examples and directions, start typing paper
Thursday - Finish typing and proofread
Friday - Extra time to complete paper

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Indus Valley Quiz

Quiz Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, art, culture, written language, religion and government as they relate to the Indus Valley

I can analyze how the geography shaped the Indus Valley

Today, students corrected a worksheet before taking the quiz.  The quiz is worth 24 points and retake will be available next week during class.  Quizzes will be handed back on Monday.

Have a great three day weekend!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Indus Valley Kahoot Review

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, art, culture, written language, government, and religion as they relate to the Indus Valley


Today, students received information on the level 4 question which will be on the quiz.  I will add it below.  Next, students participated in a Kahoot review to prepare for the quiz.  

Reminders - Indus Valley Quiz tomorrow

Quiz Question - 

10-12. The Indus Valley traded with Mesopotamia and the rest of the Ancient World.  Examine the attached map and pick the best trading route from the Indus Valley to Mesopotamia.  In your answer be sure to include what geographical features you will encounter, technology that you will need to use, and why this is the best route.  3 pts

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspect of technology, art, culture, written language, government and religion

QOD - What were the contributions of the Indus Valley?
multi-story houses
Great Bath

Today, students finished checking the webquest.  The webquest packet will be their main resource.  Students watched a video by John Green, called "Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History".

Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History

Quiz on Thursday - Quizlet

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Analyzing the Priest King Statue

Learning Goal - I can recognize the aspects of technology, culture, art, written language, government and religion as they relate to the Indus Valley

QOD - What do you notice about the Priest-King and what does this tell you about their society?

cloak with ornate flowers
arm band

Today, students were put into new table teams until the end of the Ancient China unit.   First, the class checked the first half of the webquest.  Next, students had worktime to finish the webquest.  The second half will be corrected on Tuesday.  The webquest packet is the study guide for the quiz on Thursday.  Student that finish early will be allowed to review on Quizlet.

Indus Valley Quizlet

Quiz on Thursday

Friday, November 6, 2015

Indus Valley Webquest #3

Learning goal: I can recognize the aspect of technology, culture, art, government and religion.

QOD - Describe Mohenjo-Daro the planned city.

High walls
New homes built on old homes

Today, students will work with a partner to complete their Indus Valley Webquest assignment. It is due on Tuesday.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Indus Valley Webquest Day 2

Learning Goals:
I can recognize the aspects of technology, culture, written language, arts, religion and government.

I can analyze how the geography shaped the Indus Valley

QOD - What was the impact of the Himalayan Mountains on the Indus Valley?

Fresh water every spring from flooding mountains and glaciers

Today, students had more work time on their Indus Valley webquest, which is due on Tuesday.  Students also received their Egypt test scores and discussed possible retakes for students next week.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Indus Valley Webquest

Today, students began a new unit on the Indus Valley. This will be a short unit.  The Webquest they started today will be the main resource for the Indus Valley.  It will take the rest of the week to complete.  

Learning goals for the unit -
I can analyze how the geography shaped the Indus Valley.

I can recognize the aspect of technology, written language, culture, art, religion and government as it relates to the Indus Valley.

I can investigated the theories leading to the fall of the Indus Valley civilization.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ancient Egypt Test Day

Students were tested over the following learning goals today:

-       I can analyze how the geography shaped Egyptian civilization.
-        I can explain the forms of government used in Egypt.
-       I can recognize the aspects of technology, written language, culture, and arts as they relate to Egypt.
-        I can interpret the impact religion had on daily life in Egypt.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Ancient Egypt Kahoot Review

Today, students will participate in a Kahoot review using a device to prepare for the test on Tuesday.  There will also be time to discuss the test and finish completing their Assessment Review.  Students will begin the Indus Valley unit on Wednesday.

Reminder - Test Day on Tuesday!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ancient Egypt Study Packets

All Ancient Egypt Learning Goals!


Today, students in all the mods put together their study packets for the test.  After completing the packets students reviewed with the quizlet using their devices.  Students had class time to finish filling out their assessment reviews and ask any questions they have about the test.

Prepare for the test!

Egypt Geography Review

Learning Goal - I can analyze how the geography shaped Ancient Egypt.


Today, students will have a sub in the classroom as they complete their assignments.  Each document will analyze the geography of Ancient Egypt. This will be the last step to prepare students for the test.  

Documents A, B or D - Due tomorrow
Test Day - Tuesday, Nov. 3rd

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Seven Characteristics of Egypt

Learning Goal: I can explain the different forms of government in Egypt.

QOD - What contributions did Egypt give to the world?

Make up 
boat building

Today, students will compete in teams to complete the seven characteristics graphic organizer.  Students need to turn in their King Tut paragraphs by the end of class.

Reminder - 
Egypt Test - Nov. 3rd
King Tut Paragraph - End of the Day (Oct. 28th)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How King Tut died Paragraph and Government Entrance Slip

Learning Goal: I can explain the different forms of government in Egypt.


Entrance Slip Questions -
1. Which of the following is a Vizier
a. High priest that controls ceremonies
b. Master artisan in charge of pyramids
c. Government official in charge of advising Pharaoh and appointing others
d. Teacher at the scribe school

2. Which of the following is not a role of the Pharaoh
a. Chief treasurer
B. Law maker
Religious leader
d. Commander-in-Chief

. Explain absolute power.

. Compare a Pharaoh to the President.

Today, students took an entrance slip to check their understanding on the government learning goal.  Next, students used their video notes to write the investigation paragraph.

Reminder - 

Egypt Test - Tuesday, Nov. 3

Thursday, October 22, 2015

King Tut's Final Secrets Last Day

Learning Goal: I can explain the forms of government in Ancient Egypt.


Today, students watched the last part of the video and collect the final details for their paragraph.  The students will use the evidence from the video to write the paragraph on Tuesday in class. The paragraph will be due on Wednesday, Oct. 28th.  

Ancient Egypt Test will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Review Quizlet 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

King Tut's Final Secrets Day 2

Learning Goal - I can explain the forms of government in Ancient Egypt.


Today, students in mods 1-4 will be watching the video with the substitute.  All students will watch the video and continue to collect evidence on, "how did King Tut die?" Some students are in the process of retaking their social structure quiz.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

King Tut's Final Secrets Day 1

Learning goal - I can explain the forms of government in Ancient Egypt.

QOD - Describe the power of the Pharaoh.

- Chief judge
- chief religious figure
- commander-in-chief
- living god on Earth
- absolute ruler

Today, students will start collecting evidence of King Tut's death by watching the video "King Tut's Final Secrets".  Students need to take notes so they can write a a RACE paragraph to prove their answer to the question, "how did King Tut die?"

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Curse or Coincidence?

Learning Goal - I can interpret the impact of the religion on Egypt.

QOD - List the organs removed during mummification.

Lungs, Liver, Intestines and Stomach

Today, students checked their test, discussed class test data and possible retakes.  Next, students went through the Internet Activity assignment to understand the religion learning goal.  Finally, students read an article about King Tut to prepare for the week ahead.  

Friday, October 16, 2015

Social Structure Quiz

Learning goal: I can explain the role the different social classes played in Egypt.


Today, students will complete the the social structure quiz.  Followed by a discussion on our exit slips scores.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Final Day of Internet Exploration

Learning Goal: I can explain the roles the different social classes play in the Egyptian civilization.

QOD: Which class would you be on the Egyptian social structure and why?

Answers may vary

Today, students had work time to finish their internet exploration which is due on Monday.  Students that finished early did a mummification activity.  Don't forget to review for that quiz!

Reminder - Social Structure Quiz tomorrow!

Internet Exploration Day 3

Learning Goal: I can explain the role of different social classes in the Egyptian civilization.

QOD - List similarities between Mesopotamia and Egypt.
1. temples
2. polytheistic
3. near rivers
4. desert
5. flooding
6. Absolute Monarchy

Today, students started class by trying the Quizlet for the social classes quiz on Friday.  Next, students worked on the internet activity which will be due on Monday.  

Reminder - Quiz on Friday

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Internet Exploration Day 2

ILearning Goal: I can explain the role the different social classes played in Egyptian civilization.

QOD - Who were the chief treasurer, vizier and generals in the army?

Government Officials

Today, students will participate in an activity with their table teams to review the social structure.  Below is a picture of the duties and descriptions students will need for the quiz.  Next, students worked on the computers to complete the research on the religion.  

Reminders - Social Structure Quiz on Friday

Quizlet for the Social Structure Quiz

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ancient Egypt Internet Exploration

Learning Goal: I can explain the role the different social classes played in Egyptian civilization

QOD - Label the six level of the Egyptian social structure.

Government Official

Today, students added the new learning goal to their agendas.  Next, students reviewed the duties and descriptions of the Egyptian social structure.  Finally, students will begin the internet exploration to help learn the other goals for Egypt.  

Reminder - Social Structure Quiz on Friday, Oct. 16

Friday, October 9, 2015

Social Structure Team Competition and Learning Goal #1

Learning Goal #1 - I can analyze how the geography shaped the Egyptian civilization.

QOD - Who were the highest people on the Egyptian social structure?


Today, students will check their maps and fix mistakes with the class.  Next, students will compete with the other teams to complete a jigsaw articles to fill out a graphic organizer for the social structure.  Winning teams will earn bonus points.  Finally, before the end of class students will check their understanding of learning goal #1 through three Egypt geography questions.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Table Teams and Map Completion

Learning Goal: I can analyze how the geography shaped the Egyptian civilization.

QOD: How does the Nile impact trade in Egypt?
- Transportation and shipping
- fishing
- crop production
- connection to Mediterranean trading centers
- danger from Hippos and crocodiles

Today, students were moved into their table teams for the Egypt unit.  Students will earn points for participation, behavior and work completion.  The winning team will be invited to a lunch party.  Next, students had time to complete their maps.  Students that finished early received an extension activity related to Hieroglyphic numbers.  Tomorrow will be the first learning goal exit slip to check for understanding.

Reminder - Maps are due tomorrow

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Map of Ancient Egypt

Learning goal: I can analyze how the geography shaped the Egyptian civilization 

QOD - How does the annual flooding of the Nile change from year to year?

Too low and not enough to grow crops
Too high and destroys homes and crops

Today, students discussed and analyzed the Geography of Egypt.  Students will have class time to complete their study guides before moving on to a map of Egypt.  This will prepare students for the first learning goal.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Ancient Egypt Study Guide 223-227

Learning Goal: I can analyze how the geography shaped the Egyptian civilization.

Today, students will start class by watching two short videos on mummies and the afterlife. Students will have the time left in class to work on the study guide. The study guide has information for all the learning goals.

Project Museum

Today, students toured the room providing feedback to their classmates projects.  The projects will be graded during the week and handed back to students.  If any students are not finished they will need to come in for Club Ed. on Tuesday.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Introduction to Egypt

Learning Goal: I can analyze how the geography shaped the Egyptian civilization.

Today, students completed their graphic organizer for Mesopotamia characteristics of a civilization.  Students will keep this sheet in their binder all year long.  Students observed two short videos and discussed their connection to Egypt.

Reminder: projects due Monday

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Last Day to Work on Project - Due Monday, Oct. 5th

Project Checklist
1. Finish and print paragraph
2. Work on the creative part
3.  Turn in all materials on Monday

Today, students filled out a graphic organizer for the seven characteristics of a civilization as it relates to Mesopotamia.  Students will be adding to this graphic organizer at the end of each unit.  The rest of class time was spent typing and designing their projects.  Incomplete project should be worked on during iExcel or at home.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Project Workday #3

Project Checklist
1. Finish Paragraph
2. Check with Mr. Hajek
3. Print
4.  Work on creative part of project

Today, students will be checking their paragraphs and printing.  Tomorrow will be the last day to work on the project in class.  Friday students will start learning about Ancient Egypt.  All students will need their completed project ready and in the classroom on Monday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Project Workday #2

No new learning goals until Thursday

Paragraph tips
1.Do not use “I” or “we” in the introduction or body of the paragraph
2.The introduction sentence should state what you want to prove
3.The body should support the introduction
4.The closing should restate the give your opinion, “I”

5.Stick to the facts no fluff

Today, students will continue to work on their projects.  Most students were typing their paragraphs, so I provided a list of tips to make sure it is a quality research paragraph.  Tomorrow will be a day to start the creative part of their projects.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Project Workday #1

No new learning goals

Project plans - 
1. Students research their topic and answer their research questions
2. Students create a typed paragraph for their project
3. Students work on their creative part

Today, students will use the computers to research and type their paragraphs for their Mesopotamia project due on Oct. 5th. The next unit Egypt will begin on Thursday, Oct. 1st.  Below is the project choices and rubric.  

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Final Project For Mesopotamia

No new learning goals

Today, students learned about the Mesopotamia final project and chose which project they will complete. The project will be due on Oct.5. There will be more information to follow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Mesopotamia Test Day

All five learning goals are on the test:
  • I can explain the role the different social classes played in the Mesopotamian civilization.
  •  I can recognize the aspects of technology, written language, culture, and art as they relate to Mesopotamia.
  •  I can explain the forms of government used in Mesopotamian society.
  • I can interpret the impact religion had on daily life in Mesopotamia.
  • I can analyze how the geography of the area shaped early development of the Mesopotamian civilization

The test will take the whole class period.  Students will receive an extra credit point for turning in their study guide.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Last Review Day

Today, students worked with their classmates to complete a scavenger hunt. Some mods were able to participate in a review activity.  Students are filled with knowledge and ready to perform on the test.  All they need now is good night of sleep and a healthy breakfast.

Mesopotamia Test tomorrow

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Mesopotamia Review Day and Kahoot

Learning Goals: I will be able to explain the aspects of technology, culture and art as they relate to Mesopotamia.

I will be able to explain the role of the different social classes played in Mesopotamian civilization. 


Today, students put together their study packets with their assignments from the Mesopotamia unit.  Students will receive 27 points for a complete packet.  Next, students completed their assessment review handouts to prepare for the test.  Finally, students used a device to play a Kahoot review game (link to game below).

Mespotamia Kahoot

Reminders - Test and Assessment Review - Wednesday

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hammurabi Part 3

Learning Goal: I will be able to describe how technology, culture and arts relate to the Mesopotamian civilization.

QOD - Draw and label an invention or technology from Mesopotamia.

The wheel
Iron tools and weapons

Today, students discussed how technology and the other seven characteristics of a civilization relate to Mesopotamia.  It is important that students understand that a Ziggurat is connected to Religion and Irrigation is connected to Stable Food Supply.  Next, students analyzed primary documents containing some of Hammurabi's laws.  Students judged whether the laws were fair or not.  This will help prepare students for the essay question about the law code. 

Reminders - Mesopotamia Test and Assessment Review handout (Wednesday, Sept. 23) 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hammurabi Part 2

Learning Goal - I will be able to explain the role different social classes played in Mesopotamia.

QOD - 
 Draw the class system and describe the roles for each level.

1. King, Priest, Wealthy Land owners
2. Farmers, scribes, skilled workers, merchants
3. Slaves

Today, students went over their Study Guide 217-221 assignment that was due in class.  Students had a great discussion about the class system of Mesopotamia.  Mod 1, 3-4 read an article about Hammurabi and answered questions to show their understanding.  Mods 5/6 had some additional time for reviewing information rather than starting the article.  To keep students focused we tried different yoga poses. 

Reminders - Mesopotamia Test on Sept. 23 and Assessment Review due the same day

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hammurabi Cases Part 1

Learning Goal - I will be able to explain the forms of government in the Mesopotamia civilization. 


Today, students started classes by discussing the fairness of school rules. This led into a a discussion on cases from the laws of King Hammurabi.  Students read about three cases and predicted their outcome deciding if they were fair and just.  Finally, students had some time to finish their study guide assignment due tomorrow. 

Reminders - Study Guide -Due tomorrow

Test next Wednesday, Sept 23

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Analyzing Laws and Government Learning Goals

Learning Goal: I will be able to explain the form of government in the Mesopotamian civilization.

QOD - What is the form of government in Mesopotamia?

Monarchy (King)

Limited or Absolute?


Today, students will work on the learning goal through a question of the day and a discussion on laws.  Two cases were passed out to students and individually, pairs and whole class we discussed the fairness on each case.  This will lead to an activity related to laws in Mesopotamia.  Tomorrow students will complete their study guide in class. 

Reminder - 
Study Guide due Thursday

Monday, September 14, 2015

Final day for Mesopotamia PPT and Study Guide

Learning Goal - I will be able to interpret the impact of the religion on daily life in Mesopotamia.

QOD - What are the connections between the king and the religion?

Power and authority from the gods
Laws created by the gods
Interprets for the gods
Kings are gods-like

Today, students discussed their activities from the weekend.  After the question of the day, the class finished filling out their packets.  To practice and review the information about Mesopotamia students started a study guide.  Students were able to listen to music while working quietly.  The study guide will be due on Wednesday.

Reminder - 
Study Guide due on Wednesday

Day of Remembrance and Geography Exit Ticket - Friday

Learning Goal - I will be able to interpret the impact of the religion on daily life in Mesopotamia.


Today, students will discuss and watch a video about the event of September 11, 2001.  Students will also share their final barter item from last weeks paper clip activity.  Students will end class by completing a Geography Exit Ticket.  Any students that did not complete their maps will receive an e-mail phone.  

No reminders

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Checking Maps and Quizlet

Learning Goal - I will be able to interpret the impact of the religion on daily life in Mesopotamia

QOD - List the roles of a priest in Mesopotamia
- Landowner
- collects offerings
- judge
- scribe
- decorating the offering room
- leader

Today, students added a few more sections to their packets which they will finish next week.  The packet will be an excellent resource to prepare for the test.  Students were given time to complete their map in class.  Anyone who finished early was allowed to study with the quizlet on their device or computer.  The quizlet will help students understand the key terms and ideas.  Tomorrow the class will spend some time in remembrance of 9/11 and complete a graded exit slip.

Reminders - 
Maps are finally due this Friday
Studying Quizlet - 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

New Learning Goal - Mesopotamia PPT

Learning Goal - I will be able to interpret the impact religion had on daily life in Mesopotamia

QOD - What two rivers flood creating fertile land?
Tigris and Euphrates

Extra - Embankments of sediment over thousand of years of flooding = ?

Today, students added their new learning goal to their agendas.  Next, students continued to fill in their packets to create a Mesopotamia resource.  Halfway through students participated in a brain break to refocus.  There was not enough time to work on the maps in class today.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Last Mesopotamia Map Workday

Learning Goal - I will be able analyze how the geography shaped the development of the Mesopotamian civilization

QOD - Why is the area known as the fertile crescent?
Because crops grow well in that area, due to silt and water from flooding rivers

Today, students took a few steps closer to their learning goal.  They started filling in a packet for a teacher led presentation on Mesopotamia.  The presentation was stopped early so students could take a brain break and work on their maps.  The maps will be due on Thursday at the beginning of class.  Students who finish their maps early will have an extension activity using the computers.

Reminders - 
Mesopotamia Maps due on Thursday

Friday, September 4, 2015

Ancient Mesopotamia Map

Learning Goal - I will be able to analyze how the geography shaped the development of Mesopotamian civilization.

QOD - Who were the most powerful people in Mesopotamia?

Today, students competed in an activity to review the characteristics of a civilization.  Students that completed their Scavenger Hunt assignment were able to correct their answers with the class.  Next, students did a handshake brain break to refocus before starting a new ancient map of Mesopotamia.  There will be time to finish the map on Tuesday and it will be due Wednesday.

Reminder - 
Mesopotamia Map due Wednesday

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Seven Characteristics of a Civilization

Learning Goal:  I will be able to analyze how the geography shaped development of Mesopotamian culture.

QOD - Why did Mesopotamia build their city-states between the rivers?
- it is a desert landscape
- water source for irrigation
- travel

Today, students started to analyze the geography of Mesopotamia through their QOD.  Next, students brainstormed possible characteristics of a civilization.  Finally, students began a graphic organizer to understand the seven characteristics, which will be an on-going theme this year.  

1. Stable food supply 
2. Social structure 
3. Government 
4. Religion 
5. Culture/Arts 
6. Technology 
7. Writing/Language

Reminder: Students will check their scavenger hunt assignment in class tomorrow (9/4)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Mesopotamia Vocabulary and Scavenger Hunt

Learning Goal: I will be able to analyze how the geography shaped the development of Mesopotamia.

QOD - What was the main building material of Ancient Mesopotamia?
                Mud bricks

Today, students received PBIS signatures for starting their questions of the day without prompting.  Next, students wrote a definition, sentence and image for four new vocabulary terms.  Finally, students were given time to finish their map scavenger hunt.  

Reminders - 
Map Scavenger Hunt due tomorrow (9/3)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Map Scavenger Hunt and Mesopotamia Vocabulary

Learning Goal: I will be able to analyze how the geography shaped the development of Mesopotamian civilization

QOD: List countries of the Middle East.
1. Syria
2. Iraq
3. Iran
4. Sudan
5. Egypt
6. Libya
7. Bahrain
8. Qatar
9. Lebanon
10. Israel
11. Turkey
12. Oman
13. Yemen
14. Saudi Arabia
15. UAE 

Today, students had their first question of the day. Next, students tried a brain break activity to refocus before vocabulary.  The students defined, drew a picture and wrote a sentence for three vocabulary words related to Mesopotamia.  Finally, students worked on a scavenger hunt to understand the geography of the Middle East (present day Mesopotamia).  Students will finish this activity in class tomorrow.

No reminders

Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 2 - Ethnocentrism

Learning Goal: I will be able to analyze how the geography shaped early development of the Mesopotamian Civilization

Today, students learned the definition of ethnocentrism. This helped students connect with the cultures and civilizations we study. Next, students read an article about the Nacirema tribe. This showed students their own biases and misconceptions. Lastly, students predicted the demographics of the world if it was reduced down to 100 people. For example, 16 of the people would be unable to read or write.

No reminders

Friday, August 28, 2015

End of the First Week

New Learning Goal Monday

It was a long first week but also a great one.  I am excited for what is ahead this year.  Today, students completed a learning preferences survey in class.  This will tell students if they are visual, auditory or tactile learners.  After the survey, students competed in a rock, paper, scissors tournament.  Next, students created covers for their Social Studies binders.  Questions of the Day will begin Monday.

HW: Binder covers must be completed by Monday at the beginning of class

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 4 - Expectation Quiz and Mindsets

Learning Goal: I will be able to discuss and explain the classroom expectations and procedures.

Today, students spent the first part of class learning from each others mistakes and failures to solve a thinking puzzle.  The activity led students to understand the importance of effort and never giving up.  Students displayed their knowledge of the learning goal through a quiz on the expectations.  After the quiz, students competed in an activity called Gotcha!  Each class period was shortened due to PBIS expectation training in the morning.  

Reminders - 
Binders tomorrow - Friday, August 28th

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 3 - Mindsets

Learning Goal: I will be able to discuss and explain the classroom procedures and expectations

Today, I spent a few minutes explaining emergency procedures (Fire and Tornado).  Next, students tried to solve a lateral thinking problem.  The goal in trying to solve the puzzle was to see which students have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. We followed the puzzle by discussing our mindsets and tomorrow I will provide students with ways to change their mindset.


- Binders by Friday
- Expectation quiz tomorrow

People with a fixed mindset believe that their traits are just givens. They have a certain amount of brains and talent and nothing can change that. If they have a lot, they’re all set, but if they don’t... So people in this mindset worry about their traits and how adequate they are. They have something to prove to themselves and others.
People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, see their qualities as things that can be developed through their dedication and effort. Sure they’re happy if they’re brainy or talented, but that’s just the starting point. They understand that no one has ever accomplished great things—not Mozart, Darwin, or Michael Jordan—without years of passionate practice and learning.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Day 2 - Review Expectation and Procedures (Get to know you questions)

Learning Goal: I will be able to discuss and explain the classroom procedures and expectations

Today, students reviewed classroom expectations for the quiz on Thursday.  Students were challenged to a pencil flipping brain break.  A few could accomplish the double 360 pencil toss.  Finally, students practiced their communication skills through a questions and answer session.  Between activities students created appropriate Would you rather...? questions for the class.  

- Bring Binders by Friday
- Expectation Quiz on Thursday

Monday, August 24, 2015

First day of the 2015-2016 School Year

Learning goal: I will be able to discuss and explain the classroom expectations and procedures

No Question of the day until Monday

Today, students learned a few of the expectations and procedures for my classroom. Students were able to learn my own story. In between, we had brain breaks to keep students focused. Students will continue studying the expectations tomorrow and learn more about each other.

Friday, May 29, 2015

"Red Tails"

Today, students will be watching "Red Tails" to learn about air combat during World War II.  Students will focus on the segregation and discrimination toward African-American pilots during WWII.  

A crew of African American pilots in the Tuskegee training program, having faced segregation while kept mostly on the ground during World War II, are called into duty under the guidance of Col. A.J. Bullard.

Red Tails Trailer 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Timeline Peer Evaluations

Today, students presented there timelines for other students to evaluate. Each student needed to create a timeline with 5 events for WWII.  After the peer eval. students will create Memes with a partner about WWII. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Atomic Bomb

Today, students will discuss the use of the atomic bomb on Aug. 6 and 9 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  It's use has impact on future events. Students will also finish going over a study guide.  Thursday students will present their timelines and view each other's. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Last timeline workday

Today, students will finish their timeline project.  Some students will have their timelines graded during class.  All timelines will be graded on Thursday in class.  If students finish early they will be exploring a WWII website.

All missing work must be turned in by Friday

Thursday, May 21, 2015

WWII Timeline Day 2

Today, students will continue adding events to their timeline.  Each event should contain a 3-4 sentence summary, a picture, video or website.  The timeline should include at least 5 different events from WWII.  Students will have one more day to work on the timeline, it will be due on Thursday, May 21st. 

 Timeline Example

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Today, some classes will finish their dictator comparison.  Students will start working on their timeline project.  Students will research five events of WWII and provide a picture, video, or website.  This assignment will be due on Thursday, May 28th.

Timeline website

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Rise of the Dictator

Today, students will work with their table team to compare and contrast Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.  Students will create four column notes to discover the characters that dictators share in WWII.  This will take the entire class period.  Students will finish their Study Guide on Wednesday.  Tomorrow students will work on their last project of the year.  Students are expected to create a timeline with 5 important events.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Russian Revolution 1917

Today, students will beginning learning about WWII.  One of the major causes is the Russian Revolution in 1917.  Table teams will watch a video about the revolution and try to create a flow chart explaining how it happened.  

Students will also complete a worksheet on the Russian Revolution, due Tuesday.  

WWI Kahoot and Memes

On Friday, students participated in a WWI kahoot quiz.  This quiz was not graded, however it did show students understanding of the unit.  I will be putting a pass/fail grade into the grade book for students that participated in the quiz.  If any students don't take the quiz will receive a failing grade.  After the quiz, table teams worked together to create memes for WWI.  Each team had to create at least two memes.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Treaty of Versailles and WWI Study Guide

Today, students will work as a table team to answer the following questions about the Treaty of Versailles: What countries attended the conference and what were the results?  Each team was expected to make sure everyone had the correct information.  The Treaty of Versailles represents the end of the war and mistakes that will lead to World War II.  Next, students worked as a team to complete a study guide for WWI.  

Tomorrow we will finish WWI with an online quiz (not graded).  Students will begin looking at WWII on Monday.  

Treaty of Versailles

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Christmas Truce 1914 and Vocabulary Quiz

Today, students will watch a short video on the Christmas Truce and discuss what they would say if they were face to face with the enemy.  What questions would they ask?  After the discussion, students successfully completed their vocabulary quiz for WWI.  The postcard assignments are due tomorrow at the end of the day.  Students will take an Kahoot quiz over WWI on Friday.

Truce Video

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Table Teams, Postcards and Vocabulary Skits

Today, students were put into their table teams for our behavior competition.  Tables will be awarded points throughout the year for the behavior in class.  The best table from each class will receive a celebration.  Students worked on their Life in the Trenches postcard, which will be due Thursday.  Table teams were expected to create short skits on the 10 vocabulary words.  










Austria - Hungary

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Life in the trenches

Today, students used to resources (video and article) to collect information for a postcard from the trenches.  Students created a postcard to describe life in the trenches of WWI. This assignment will be due next Thursday.

Have a great weekend!

Lusitania and definitions

Today, students created a definition for the Lusitania, a passenger ship sunk by a German U-boat in WWI.  Students also created a list of other WWI definitions. There will be a vocabulary quiz on Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Finish Ppt and the Zimmerman Telegram

M - Militarism
A - Alliance
N - Nationalism
I - Imperialism 
A - Assassination

Today, students will finish going over the WWI presentation.  Students will also watch a short video about the Zimmmerman Telegram.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"MANIA" Causes of World War I

Today, students started class by watching a short video looking at the World War I "firsts".  Students will fill in blanks for a PowerPoint presentation examining the causes or WWI. There are still students that need to complete their World Religions test.  

M - Militarism
A - Alliances
N - Nationalism
I - Imperialism
A - Assassination

Monday, May 4, 2015

Finish Tests and Cause/Effect Nepal Earthquake

Today, some students will be taking or finishing their tests.  Everyone else will be reading an article and describing cause/effect relationships within the Nepal earthquake.  Tomorrow all students will begin learning about World War I.  World War I and II will be our final unit this year.