Monday, February 29, 2016

Roman Numerals

Learning Goal - I can describe what daily life was like in Ancient Rome

QOD - Draw or describe what the Colosseum was really like.

Today, students reviewed information about the Colosseum from yesterday. Next, students had the opportunity to understand , practice and apply Roman numerals in class.  Students will use Roman numerals in their journal project. 

The Colosseum

Learning Goal - I can describe what daily life was like in Ancient Rome.


Today, students began class by applying their knowledge to a quiz (not graded).  Next, Mr. Timm will be leading students in a lesson on Colosseum.  This is his final week at Excelsior, he will be missed.

Reminder - Food Fest Thursday

Friday, February 26, 2016

Four Sisters in Ancient Rome and Rome Sweet Rome check

Learning Goal - I can describe what daily life was like in Ancient Rome.

QOD - Video Notes 

Four Sisters of Ancient Rome

Today, students watched a video collection information on the lives of women in Ancient Rome.  Next, students checked their Rome Sweet Rome assignment as a class.  Lastly, we discuss the requirements for the journal/diary/story project.  Below is the answer key for Rome Sweet Rome.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Five Senses Writing and Rome Sweet Rome

Learning Goal - I can describe what daily life was like in Ancient Rome.

QOD - Write one example for each of the five senses as they relate to Ancient Rome

Today, students discuss the sight, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings that a person would witness in Ancient Rome.  This information will help prepare for to create historical fiction journals/diaries.  Next, students had a final class period to complete their Rome Sweet Rome.  Students will check their assignment in class tomorrow.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Life of a Teenager in Ancient Rome

Learning goal - I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire.

QOD - video notes 

Today, students were handed back their project grading sheets for Ancient Greece.  Some students need to fix errors before turning back in.  Next, students collected notes on a video about life as a teenager in Ancient Rome. Finally, students had work time to complete their assignment Rome Sweet Rome, due Friday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Rome Sweet Rome

Learning Goal - I can I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire.

QOD - What do you know about Ancient Rome?

Today, students were introduced to the upcoming unit on Ancient Rome.  There will be three major assessments; a fictional journal/diary entry, Socratic seminar (formal discussion) and Roman achievement presentation.  Next, students work on an assignment (Rome Sweet Rome) to collect knowledge for daily life in Ancient Rome. 

Reminder - Mediterranean Food Fest on March 3rd

Thursday, February 18, 2016

History of the Modern Olympics

Learning Goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the contributions and legacies of Ancient Greece

Today, Mr. Timm presented information on the history of the modern Olympics. For example, Mr. Timm discussed cheating, important events, political issues, athletes and events.  Students completed an exit slip to check for understanding before leaving for the four day weekend.

Reminder - Mr. Timm will be playing in his final game at Coe College.  All students are invited to watch and will receive free admission.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Iliad and Olympics

Learning Goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the contributions and legacies of Ancient Greece.

Today, students continued their process of learning about legacies of Ancient Greece.  Mr. Timm finished leading students in a Reader's Theatre of the Iliad.  After the reading, Mr. Timm presented
past, present and future information about the Olympics.  Mr. Timm's focus was on controversy in past Olympics. Next, week students will begin the Ancient Rome unit.  

Speeches, Debates and the Iliad

Learning Goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the contributions and legacies of Ancient Greece.

Today, some students will present their speeches or debates for the class.  After the presentations, Mr. Timm will lead the students in a Reader's Theatre for the Iliad by Homer.  Students will take a role in one of the most famous epic poems of all time.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Present Projects or Finish Projects

Learning Goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the contributions and legacies of Ancient Greece

Today, I will be out of the building in the morning.  Mr. Timm will be working with the students to either finish their projects in the library or present their projects in front of the class.  All projects are due on Tuesday.  Papers can be submitted through Google docs.  

Friday, February 12, 2016

Final Work Day for Greek Legacy Project

Learning Goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the contributions and legacies of Ancient Greece.

Today, students will have the whole class time to finish their project.  We recommend that any students who are not finished should work on it over the weekend.  Students will begin presenting to the class on Monday for the speeches.  This will be graded as a quiz which represent about 80% of the grade.  This will be the last assignment for Ancient Greece. The next unit is Ancient Rome.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Greek Legacy Research Day #2

Learning Goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the legacies and contribution of Ancient Greece

Today, students completed a short quiz to check their understanding of Greek legacies.  After the quiz, they had 35 minutes to research and start writing their essay, speech or presentation.  Tomorrow will be the last major workday to finish the project.  We recommend students work on the project over the weekend.  Speeches will begin Monday in class.  

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Greek legacies research

Learning Goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the legacies and contributions of Ancient Greece

Today, students used computers to research a legacy from Ancient Greece.  Handouts for the research project are available on my website.  Students will research the next two days and begin finalizing their project on Friday.  Final projects will be due on Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Finish Contributions Ppt and introduce project

Learning goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the legacies and contribution of Ancient Greece

Today, students completed their packets on the basic information about Greek contributions and legacies.  Next, Mr. Timm introduced the legacy project. Students will have the opportunity to choose which contribution they would like to research and create a paper or speech.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ancient Greece Contributions

Learning Goal - I can identify, investigate and debate the legacies and contributions of Ancient Greece

Today, students received their debate grades and feedback.  Mr. Timm presented basic information on the major contributions on Ancient Greece.  This will help students prepare for the project. Students will take a short quiz this week(not graded) to check their understanding of legacies.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Athens vs Sparta Debate

Learning Goal - I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta


Today, students took part in an epic debate on Athens vs Sparta.  Mr. Timm and I were extremely excited by the results.  Students were energetic and continued the debate throughout the day.  Feel free to continue the debate at home and ask your student which city-state is best.  Grades are posted on PowerSchool, a retake option will be available on Monday.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Debate prep

Learning Goal - I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta

Today, students started class by applying their knowledge of Athens and Sparta to a quiz.  More than half the students received a proficient score on the quiz. This is good news for the debate tomorrow. The debate will be scored as a quiz grade for the learning goal. Students will receive points for their arguments, rebuttals and debate etiquette.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Sparta vs. Athens Argument Writing

Learning Goal - I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta.

Today, students began developing their arguments for the debate on Friday.  Mr. Timm placed table teams onto either Sparta or Athens.  Students will be expected to write and argue three claims for why their city-state is the best.  The students will be graded on their evidence for each claim as well as their performance during the debate.

Snow Day

See everyone on Wednesday!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Athens vs. Sparta and intro to debate

Learning goal: I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta


Today, students completed a graphic organizer comparing Athens to Sparta.  This graphic organizer will be due on Tuesday.  Students that finish early will have a chance to do additional research to prepare for a debate.  Mr. Timm will lead the students in a mock debate.