Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jeopardy Review

Today, students will be put into three groups to play Jeopardy.  The game will be set-up based on the same categories as the test.  Winning team will receive signatures.  Students will also play a dinner party game to practice vocabulary words.  

Categories for the test tomorrow
1. Beliefs 
2. Symbols
3. Origins
4. Place of Worship
5. Figure that is worshiped
6. Holy Days/ Holidays

1. Islam
2. Christianity
3. Buddhism
4. Hinduism
5. Judaism

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Packet Set-up

Today, students put together their packets in class.  They will use the packets to take the test on Friday.  The test will cover symbols, origins, place of worship, beliefs, figures and holy days/holidays for all five major religions (Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity). We will do a Jeopardy game to study for the test tomorrow.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

World Religions - Symbols, Holidays and Holy Days

Review - Who is the head of the Catholic church?


Today, students will work with the substitute to find additional information on each religion.  This will fill in any missing gaps to make sure students have all the information they need.  This will lead to students putting their packets together on Wednesday, reviewing Thursday and taking the test on Friday.


Christianity Review Day

Review: What does the cross symbolize in Christianity?

It represents Jesus' victory over sin and death, since it is believed that through his death and resurrection he conquered death itself.

Today, students will go over their Christianity assignment 
with the class.  Students will also watch a short video to help students understand Christianity.  If there is time we will check our Islam vocabulary quiz.  Any students that do not pass will have an opportunity to retake on today.

QOD - Who is the Messiah in Christianity?


Friday, April 24, 2015

Thursday and Friday - Vocabulary quiz and Christianity

Thursday - Students took the Islam vocabulary quiz.  Students that do not pass the quiz will study and retake either Monday or Tuesday at Lunch. 

Friday - Students will work in groups to complete a Christianity assignment.  The assignment will be due on Monday. Next week students will begin preparing for the unit test.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 21st and 22nd - Finish video and Islam Vocabulary review

Tuesday - A substitute was in the classroom today.  I needed to stay home and watch my three month old son.  Every class finished watching the video "30 days living as a Muslim."  They had to answer questions related to the information in the video.

Today (Wednesday) - Students reviewed information on Islam and took some additional notes for their study packet.  Some of class time was spent on a review game to prepare for the vocabulary quiz on Thursday.

Study tool -

Monday, April 20, 2015

Finish Vocabulary and start 30 days living as a Muslim

Review:  Which direction do Muslims pray?

East toward Mecca

Today, students will finish writing definitions for the Islam vocabulary.  Before the video students will answer some pre-screening questions about Muslim people.  Students will watch the first part of the video in class.  I will be gone tomorrow, students will finish watching the video and questions with the substitute.  


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Islam vocabulary and 30 days living as a Muslim

Review: Who leads worship services in Islam?


Today, students will learn the rest of the Islam vocabulary listed below.  Students will begin watching a video about a man who lives as. Muslim for 30 days.  Students will be expected to answer questions related to the video.  There is a vocabulary quiz on Thursday. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Go over quiz and Islam Vocabulary

Review: What is the holy book of Islam?

Quran or Koran

Today, students will get back there Venn diagram quizzes and go over the answers.  The rest of the class time will be spent taking notes on key vocabulary for Islam.  The following is the vocabulary we will be studying.  



Thursday, April 16, 2015

Venn Diagram Quiz

Review: What did Gandhi help accomplish for India?

Independence from Great Britain

Today, students will take the Venn diagram quiz to compare and contrast Hinduism to Buddhism.  Students will also check their Gandhi worksheets in class.  On Friday, students will begin learning about Islam.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Gandhi and Hinduism Review

Review:  What are the four stages of a Hindus life called?


Today, students did a whole class review activity for Hinduism.  Students also worked on a worksheet about Mohandas Gandhi.  The Venn diagram quiz comparing Buddhism and Hinduism was moved to tomorrow (Thursday).  Students will be studying Islam and Christianity next.  


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Meditation practice and quiz review

Review: What spiritual practice is done by both Hinduism and Buddhism?


Today, students will finish their character analysis of Gandhi.  Students will learn how to meditate to help with stress and anxiety.  Finally, students will work with a partner to create a study tool to review for the quiz on tomorrow.  The quiz will compare and contrast Buddhism and Hinduism.  

QOD - 
1. Who did Gandhi inspire through his non-violent protests?

Martin Luther King Jr.

2. What are the sacred texts of Hinduism?


Monday, April 13, 2015

Sacred cow and Gandhi

Review: What do Hindu's believe never dies?

The soul

Today, students will watch a video about the Sacred cows and take notes on their purpose.  Next, students will create a character analysis for Gandhi including thoughts, feelings, actions, goals, description and traits.

QOD - Draw and label the caste system.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hindu caste system

Review: who is the protector of the Hindu universe?


Today, students will study and take notes on the Hindu caste system shown below. Students will also watch a video to understand reincarnation.

QOD - Entrance slip

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hinduism group sharing

Review: What is the 8th form of the Hindu god Vishnu?


Today, students will collaborate with their groups to share what they learned. Each student is responsible for teaching the other students in their group.

QOD: What is the Brahman?

Spirit of the universe

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hinduism notes

TReview: What does Buddha mean?
Enlightened one!

Today, students will be split into groups for jigsaw notes.  Each member will be expected to read and understand their part.  Later they will teach their group what they learned.

Reminder: Buddhism project due today

QOD: What religion grew out of Hinduism?

Last Day of Buddhism Article and Mini-quiz

Review: What are the ten perfections of Buddhism?

  1. Generosity (dana)
  2. Morality (sila)
  3. Renunciation (nekkhamma)
  4. Wisdom (panna)
  5. Energy (viriya)
  6. Patience (khanti)
  7. Truthfulness (sacca)
  8. Resolution (adhitthana)
  9. Loving-Kindness (metta)
  10. Equanimity (upekkha)

Today, students will have time to finish their articles for a new Buddhist temple.  The articles are due tomorrow.  Students also took a mini-quiz over Buddhism.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Buddhism Newspaper Article

Review: What Judaism holiday celebrates the Jews exodus from slavery in Egypt was this weekend?


Today, students will spend their class time typing or handwriting the article for Buddhism.  The articles, notes and rubrics will be due on Wednesday.  Students will have some class time tomorrow as well.  Students will have a Buddhism mini-quiz tomorrow.  

Article - Font size = 12, Title size = 14, Font type = Calibri, Times New Roman, Georgia, Arial, no indents

Friday, April 3, 2015

How to write a newspaper article

Review: What countries have the highest population of Buddhists?


Today, students watched a short video to understand the teachings of Buddhism.  Next, we went over how to write a newspaper article for Monday.  The following is a handout on how to write an article.  Students need to create a headline and write the 5 W's for the article by Monday.  

Buddhism Video

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Iowa Assessments and Buddhism research 3

Review: What is the state of happiness and peace?


Today, students continued their research of Buddhism. This is the last day to research, tomorrow students will begin writing their newspaper articles. The articles will be due on Tuesday. E-mails will be sent home for students who are behind on their research and article.

Iowa Assessments and Buddhism Day 2

Review:  Who is the founder of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

Today, students will continue their research.  Research should be completed by Friday.  On Friday, students will begin hand writing their articles in class. 

Iowa Assessments this morning from 8:00-10:00