Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jan. 30 - Middle Ages

Assignment update - Internet Packet due Friday

Manor project due Monday

Middle Ages Test - Begin Monday with Cultural Literacy Quiz and ends Tuesday with the test
- We will put together test packets on Monday and you can use them on the test

Questions of the day
- Convent : Nuns = ___________: Monks
- What worked as a Medieval deodorant?

- Medical knowledge was limited and antibiotics weren’t invented until the 1800s and it was almost impossible to cure diseases with them
-People believed, for example, that disease was spread by bad odors. It was also assumed that diseases of the body resulted from sins of the soul. Four humors, or body fliuds, were directly related to the four elements: fire=yellow bile or choler; water=phlegm; earth=black bile; air=blood. These four humors had to be balanced. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jan. 29 - Middle Ages

We started a new assignment today. Students worked on designing and drawing a Medieval manor. The manor assignment must contain the following Castle, lord and ladies home, blacksmith, farms,bakery, marketplace, butcher, water source, woods, King and Queen,Lord and Lady, Farmer, Blacksmith, Peddler, Knight, Children(3). Label everything!
Here are the examples from class:

-Barbers performed the surgeries in the Middle Ages
- Bloodletting was the main surgery performed
- Homes were damp, dark and cold
- roofs were mainly thatched
- Common vegetables were leeks, onions and potatoes
- Sheep, goats and cows were the main meat sources besides hunting fowl

Cultural Literacy Word of the Day- 
Jitterbug - An exuberant form of ballroom dance from the 30s and 40s, originated in US and spread internationally during WWII. Involves acrobatic swings and lifts! Here is a video example: Jitterbug 

Question of the Day - What is Fief?
King gives a land grant to a noble in return for soldiers to fight for the king

Did you watch the State of the Union address last night?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jan. 28 - Middle Ages

There is an assignment due Friday, Jan. 31. Students received a internet packet in class last Friday.  The website for the assignment is Middle Ages Packet.  If you have any questions comment on my blog or talk to me at school.

- The Catholic Church was the only church in Europe
- Monks performed their daily task in silence
- Monks live in Monasteries and Nuns live in Convents
- Both provide safe haven for Pilgrims and other travelers
- Pilgrimage is a journey to to a holy shrine or place
- Jerusalem and Rome were common holy places to go

Today's questions
- Who performed surgeries in the Middle Ages?
- What was the most common surgery?

Addition and Expansion
Barbers in the Middle Ages were more important than today. Barbers in the modern period are known to do mainly one thing: cut hair. For much of the last hundred and fifty years, their red and white striped barber poles signified their ability to produce a good clean shave and a quick trim. This was not always the case, however. The barber would also treat and extract teeth, branded slaves, created ritual tattoos or scars, cut out gallstones and hangnails, set fractures, gave enemas, and lanced abscesse.  Most of the time the barber would perform bloodletting.  Barber Surgeon

Upcoming - Middle Ages Test Tuesday 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Snow Day Activities

The following is possible learning activities and games for your snow day. I hope they improve your knowledge and enjoy your day off.

This source looks at wars in the Middle East from 3000 BCE to 1979.
Interactive War Map

A few days ago we discussed the spread of the Black Plague, look how quickly it spread in a years time with less people in Europe and without car or airplanes.  Scary, imagine this Plague today!
Interactive Plague Map

Play games and learn about Castle life
Castle Games

Study for the test with these games
Study Practice

Test your knowledge of the Middle Ages
Middle ages Test
Middle Ages Test 2

Or just relax and play these fun Middle Ages flash games
Medieval Games

Enjoy and I will see you Tuesday or Wednesday

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Janruary 26, 2014 - Middle Ages Unit

We are continuing our study of the Middle Ages.  Depending on the weather this week we may have to push the test back a few days.  So stay tuned for further updates.

Review questions (answers will appear later in the week)
- Who performed surgeries in the Middle Ages?
- What was the most common surgeries performed?
- Monasteries: Monks = __________ : Nuns
- What worked as a Medieval deodorant? (maybe it would have been called New Spice)
- What is a fief?
- What technology revolutionized the spread of knowledge in the 1450s?
- Traveling to the Holy Land is an example of _________________.

Here are the highlights from this weeks instruction:
1. Magna Carta was a document that limited the King's powers of taxation and required trials before punishment
2. Most people lived on a manor, which consisted of the castle, the church, the village, and the surrounding farm land.
3. The king awarded land grants or "fiefs" to his most important nobles, his barons, and his bishops, in return for their contribution of soldiers for the king's armies.
4. Serfs were peasants that contributed goods and services to the lord for protection
5. Martin Luther was the German Monk that tried to "Reform" the church starting the Reformation
6. Luther tried to stop the selling of indulgences and translated the Bible to German
7. The Renaissance(Rebirth) brought back the ideas of Ancient Greeks and Romans; Leonardo Da Vinci (Mona Lisa and The Last Supper), Shakespeare  (Macbeth and Hamlet).

Cultural Literacy -
Hammer and Sickle: The emblem of the Communist movement, it shows to alliance between workers(hammer) and peasants (sickle).  On the flag of the former Soviet Union.

During class Friday we started discussing the purchase of Alaska.U.S. takes possession of Alaska. I included a short video from the History channel that explains the purchase of Alaska.
We also discuss the blood thirsty behavior of Ivan the Terrible.  Here are some of his aggression; he created a police force dressed all in black, astride black horses, that existed more to crush dissent than to keep the peace,1570 massacre of the wealthy city of Novgorod, Fits of rage, drunken feasts, fasting in remote monasteries. In 1581, during a violent dispute Ivan accidentally killed his eldest son. Here is a link to his biography Ivan the Terrible

Current Events and Opinions-

I am very surprised by the Sochi Summer...oops Winter Olympics.  Not only is it in a sub-tropic location, but it is very close to the Caucasus Mountains and Chechnya makes it a perfect area for Terrorism.  A memo from the State department has told U.S. athletes and citizens to wear inconspicuous clothing, not the red, white and blue.  At least 40,000 law enforcement and security will be available and U.S. is placing a warship in the Black Sea.  The Olympics have had a dark history of the years,  Munich Games in 1972 were darkened by the deaths of 11 members of the Israeli team killed by Palestinian terrorists. A bomb at the Atlanta Olympics  in 1996 left one dead and 11 injured. This will be something to keep an eye on for the next few weeks.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blog Format

1. Review questions from the current unit
ex: Where did nuns live in Medieval Europe?

2. Highlights from that day or weeks lesson
- Catholic church was selling indulgences (payment for time out of purgatory)

3. Cultural Literacy Word of the Day
ex: Ivan the Terrible - Tsar of Russia, 1530-1584, known for is blood thirsty personality and cruel behavior

3. Further explanation of ideas brought up during class and student question answers
ex: How much did the U.S. purchase Alaska for? 7.2 mil.

4. Geography/Jeopardy questions
ex: What is the nickname for the state of Alaska? The Last Frontier

5. Discussion of current events and personal opinions

Friday, January 24, 2014

Cultural Literacy Introduction

This blog was created in the hope of providing words, phrases, sayings, idioms, people and places that will help fill in the gaps.  In my opinion, not only can this be interesting information but it is what every person should know. This blog will take the Cultural Literacy taught during my 7th grade Social Studies and expand it.  I will also be focusing on history, current events and classroom lessons.  Each day will be a journey to a new era, where we will discover information about the world.