Thursday, March 30, 2017

Quiz - ELO 1 - Republic to Empire

 I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire

Today, students applied their knowledge of the expansion of the Roman Republic.  It was important for students to use specific detail in their answers.  Students will have an opportunity to retake next week.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Quiz Review

 I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire

Today, students discussed and reviewed information for the assessment tomorrow.  Upon entering the room students had to decide rather they would rather live in a Republic or Empire.  Next, students watched a short video about the death of Julius Caesar.  Finally, students participated in a Kahoot game to prepare for the assessment tomorrow.  There was a review session available during iExcel for any students that were interested.    

Additional Reading for Social Studies Quiz

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Crossing the Rubicon and Republic Review

 I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire

Today, students moved around the room playing Plebeian or Patrician.  I read a statement about the groups of citizens and students moved to the correct group.  Next, the class reviewed their timelines to prepare for the level 3 question, "Explain how Rome expanded from a Republic to an Empire. In you opinion, was it worth the cost?".  To understand more about Julius Caesar and his crossing of the Rubicon, we watched a short video.  Finally, students had the last 10-15 minutes to study for the quiz on Thursday.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Republic vs. Empire

I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire

Today, students compared an empire to a republic.  Next, students completed their timeline on the expansion of the Republic.  The timeline is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.  This assignment will be critical to success on their quiz.
Plebeian Revolt

Friday, March 24, 2017

Timeline of Roman Expansion

I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire

Today, students took an entrance slip to check their understanding of the following vocabulary: Tribunes, consul, assembly, plebeians, patricians, senate.  Students that earn a 100% score on the slip will not have to do it on the quiz next week.  Next, students started reading an article about the four periods of expansion in the Roman Republic.  Students organized their notes into a timeline.  The timeline will be a study guide for the quiz.  
Image result for punic wars

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Map of Roman Republic and Punic Wars

I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire

Today, students located and labeled important cities, bodies of water, rivers, and mountains in Ancient Rome.  Students also outlined the borders of the Roman Republic and Empire.  Students filled in notes on a study guide about the Roman Republic. Students are preparing for a quiz about the expansion of the Roman Republic and the cost of the expansion.  Students will have a quiz next Thursday.  Students will work on the study guide tomorrow.

Image result for roman republic map

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Roman Republic to Empire

I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire

Today, students took notes on the rise of the Roman Republic. Students will be adding to these notes throughout this unit.  Between notes students will play tic-tac-toe for a brainbreak.  It was common for kids to play this on the walls in Ancient Rome.  

Monday, March 20, 2017

Back to Learning - Map of Rome

I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire

Today, I outlined the plan for the week and late or missing projects.  Next, students finished watching the Pompeii video.  The video led to a discuss on the location and importance of Pompeii.  Students located and labeled Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, Rome and the Tiber river on a map.  The map will be completed on Tuesday.
Image result for map of ancient rome

Friday, March 10, 2017

Mediterranean Food Fest

Ancient Rome Learning Goals - 
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society       
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans

Mediterranean Food Fest is today!!
Today, the students enjoyed a sampling of different food and finished watching the Pompeii video.

Have a wonderful spring break!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Pompeii and Roman Numerals

Ancient Rome Learning Goals - 
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society       
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans

Today, students will begin watching a video about Pompeii.  Pompeii was the city destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE.  Students will finish the video on Friday during the Mediterranean Food fest.  Students will complete an exit slip about Roman numerals.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Roman Numerals and Vocabulary

Ancient Rome Learning Goal - 
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society       
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans

Today, students will learn Roman numerals from 1-10000.  Students will be able to write and read roman numerals for the end of the week.  Students will also check their mind maps and discuss some vocabulary about Ancient Rome.

Reminder - Mediterranean Food Fest Friday!

Ancient Rome Primer

Ancient Rome Learning Goal - 
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society       
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans

Today, students will create a mind map to understand the basic facts about the Ancient Rome.  The web must contain at least 10 facts from the handout.  The web will help students throughout the unit.  Students will also participate in a brain break and group competitions all class long.

Reminder- Mediterranean Food fest is Friday

Monday, March 6, 2017

Introduction to Rome

Ancient Rome Learning Goal - 
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society       
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans   

Today, students will discuss missing projects, food fest handouts, and upcoming events.  The Mediterranean Food Fest is on Friday and food options are pouring in. It should be a fun experience for students.  Students will be introduced to the new learning goals for Ancient Rome and play a Kahoot to assess their prior knowledge of Rome.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Ancient Greece Project Wrap up and Extension Activity (Thursday and Friday)

Ancient Greece ELO 3 - I can investigate, identify, and debate several Greek contributions, events, and people

To finish the week, students need to submit electronically or hand in their project by Friday.  Students that can receive feedback if they submit their project early.  If students finish on Thursday, they will be able to work on a web search activity to learn more about Ancient Greece.  If students are finished on Friday, they will be able to compete in a quiz bowl.  On Monday, students will be introduced to Ancient Rome.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Tomorrow is the last workday!

Ancient Greece ELO 3 - I can investigate, identify, and debate several Greek contributions, events, and people

Today, students learned how to add a conclusion to their essays.  The project is due on Friday.  Students can electronically submit their projects at  Go to the Chick here option and follow the steps.  On Monday, students will start learning about Ancient Rome.  There will be a Mediterranean Food Fest on Friday, March 10th.