We will end the year with a discussion on wisdom and pass out student notes!
Have a great summer!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Week of May 22-26 - The Last Assessment
Medieval Times ELO 2 - I can analyze how and why the Catholic church had a large impact on Medieval Europe
Monday and Tuesday, students will be learning about pilgrimages, religious relics, and medieval torture devices. During this time, students will review the assessment through a challenge question, kahoot quiz, and a video.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, students will take the assessment on the Christian church during the Middle Ages. The final quiz conferences will be on Friday, while the rest of class watch "Filthy Cities: Medieval London".
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Week of May 15 - 19 - Power of the Medieval church
Medieval Times ELO 2 - I can analyze how and why the Catholic church had a large impact on Medieval Europe
This week students will be studying the different impacts of the Catholic church in medieval society. This will cover the Black Death, pilgrimages, cathedrals, clergy and the political power of the church. The goal is to prepare students for an assessment on Wednesday, May 24th. Students received a study guide on Wednesday with the information needed for the assessment.

Friday, May 12, 2017
May 10-12 Quiz Conferences and Power of the Catholic Church
Medieval Times ELO 2 - I can analyze how and why the Catholic church had a large impact on Medieval Europe

Over the last three days, students have applied their knowledge to an assessment on Feudalism, check their quiz during a student/teacher conference, and started learning about the next learning outcome. Students earned high marks on their Feudalism assessment, however, some will need to retake. To learn about the power of the Catholic church students took notes through a PowerPoint and filled out a graphic organizer related to the jobs of monks and nuns in Medieval times.

Over the last three days, students have applied their knowledge to an assessment on Feudalism, check their quiz during a student/teacher conference, and started learning about the next learning outcome. Students earned high marks on their Feudalism assessment, however, some will need to retake. To learn about the power of the Catholic church students took notes through a PowerPoint and filled out a graphic organizer related to the jobs of monks and nuns in Medieval times.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
May 8 & 9 - Protecting the Manor
Over the last two days students focused on understanding the purpose of Feudalism. Students learned about the knights and their weapons/armor. Students discussed and took notes on the Magna Carta, one of the most important documents in the history of the world. The document gave rights to the nobles and limited the kings power. Lastly, students worked on their study guides to understand the relationship between kings, lords, knights and serfs during the Middle Ages. Students will be quizzed over their understanding of the Feudal system.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Feudalism Assessment and Study Guide work time
Medieval ELO 1 - I CAN - explain the feudal system & conclude how it provided a foundation of political order in parts of Europe
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Feudalism Diagram and Study Guide
Medieval Europe ELO 1 - I CAN - explain the feudal system & conclude how it provided a foundation of political order in parts of Europe
Today, students will have a warm-up question, "how did the fall of Rome change Medieval Europe?". This will help students understand why Feudalism was necessary to life in Europe during the Middle Ages. Next, students will copy down the Feudalism diagram on the board. There is an example of the diagram below. Finally, students will work on the study guide pg 84-89.
Living in Medieval Europe and Story turn-in
Middle Ages ELO 1 -
Today, students will begin class by watching a short video about Living in the Middle Ages. Students will take notes on a graphic organizer. This will help students with the next two learning goals. Next, students will have class time to finish their story or work on a study guide (due Wednesday).
Today, students will begin class by watching a short video about Living in the Middle Ages. Students will take notes on a graphic organizer. This will help students with the next two learning goals. Next, students will have class time to finish their story or work on a study guide (due Wednesday).

Friday, April 28, 2017
Last day to write the Day in the LIfe of a Roman story
ELO 4 - I can describe the daily life in the Roman Empire
Today, students will begin class with a Middle Ages preview kahoot. Next, students will have approximately 30 minutes of class time to finish their stories, which are due on Monday. On Monday, students will start learning about Feudalism and the Middle Ages.
Today, students will begin class with a Middle Ages preview kahoot. Next, students will have approximately 30 minutes of class time to finish their stories, which are due on Monday. On Monday, students will start learning about Feudalism and the Middle Ages.

Thursday, April 27, 2017
ELO 4 - I can describe daily life in the Roman Empire
Today, students will write the first half of their story for the final learning goal of Ancient Rome. Students that finish early will be able to start on the next assignment or possibly the next learning goal. Students will also watch a short video on the life of four sisters in Rome. I recently learned about a disease contracted by sandflies, known as Leishmaniasis that I will share with the students. It affects millions of people around the world each year.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
A Gladiator's Story and A day in the LIfe of a Roman
I can describe daily life in the Roman Empire.
Today, students will finish watching, "A Gladiator's Story", to get ideas for their story. Students will collect information from handouts to write their story about a Roman citizen. This story will be due on Monday, May 1st. On Monday, students will start learning about the Middle Ages.
Today, students will finish watching, "A Gladiator's Story", to get ideas for their story. Students will collect information from handouts to write their story about a Roman citizen. This story will be due on Monday, May 1st. On Monday, students will start learning about the Middle Ages.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Seminar #2 and Make-up days
Wednesday and Thursday were focused on completing projects, seminars and make up questions. Some students started writing their stories for A Day in the Life of a Roman. These will be due on May 1st. Tomorrow students will watch a video about a gladiators life.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Seminar #1
ELO 2 and 3 -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Ancient Romans.
Today, half the class will participate in the seminar (formal discussion). I will observe the accuracy of their participation to obtain the assessment score. Students that are not proficient will be allowed to complete a make-up seminar to show their understanding the learning goal. Seminar #2 will be tomorrow and Thursday will be the make-up and retake day.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Ancient Romans.
Today, half the class will participate in the seminar (formal discussion). I will observe the accuracy of their participation to obtain the assessment score. Students that are not proficient will be allowed to complete a make-up seminar to show their understanding the learning goal. Seminar #2 will be tomorrow and Thursday will be the make-up and retake day.

Monday, April 17, 2017
Last Workday Before Seminar
ELO 2 and 3 -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Ancient Romans.
Today, students will have work time to prepare their study guide, notecard, and contribution project. Half the class will take part in the seminar tomorrow. This is a formal discussion that counts as an assessment.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Ancient Romans.
Today, students will have work time to prepare their study guide, notecard, and contribution project. Half the class will take part in the seminar tomorrow. This is a formal discussion that counts as an assessment.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Reasons for the Fall of Rome
ELO 2 and 3 -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Ancient Romans.
Today, students will watch a video that explains 8 reasons for the fall of Rome. Next, students analyzed primary source documents related to the fall. The document packet for the fall of Rome will be due on Wednesday. Students will be able to research for their contribution project and seminar this week.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Ancient Romans.
Today, students will watch a video that explains 8 reasons for the fall of Rome. Next, students analyzed primary source documents related to the fall. The document packet for the fall of Rome will be due on Wednesday. Students will be able to research for their contribution project and seminar this week.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Thursday and Friday - Fall of Rome and Seminar Practice
ELO 2 and 3 -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Ancient Romans
Students continued to learn and prepare for the Socratic seminar. They completed to handouts in class, one on contributions and the other on reasons for the fall of Rome. Students also had an opportunity to watch perform a practice seminar to understand how they will be assessed. To build their knowledge for the seminar, students watched a video about the fall of Rome and competed against the other classes to answer the following questions, " How is the United States similar to the Roman Empire?" Mod 6 earned the highest score of all the mods.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Ancient Romans
Students continued to learn and prepare for the Socratic seminar. They completed to handouts in class, one on contributions and the other on reasons for the fall of Rome. Students also had an opportunity to watch perform a practice seminar to understand how they will be assessed. To build their knowledge for the seminar, students watched a video about the fall of Rome and competed against the other classes to answer the following questions, " How is the United States similar to the Roman Empire?" Mod 6 earned the highest score of all the mods.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Roman contributions continued...
ELO 2 and 3 -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of Romans
Today, students will learn about more contributions and start deciding on their top four that impact the world today. If students have time, they will be able to begin working on the Fall of Rome handout. Instructions for the next two assessment will be sent in an e-mail soon.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of Romans
Today, students will learn about more contributions and start deciding on their top four that impact the world today. If students have time, they will be able to begin working on the Fall of Rome handout. Instructions for the next two assessment will be sent in an e-mail soon.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Roman Contributions and Controlling a Vast Empire
ELO 2 and 3 -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of Romans
Today. students competed against other classes for who can come up with the most answers to the following question in five minutes, "List the problems in controlling a vast empire". Next, students watched a video on Roman contributions and finally, students had work time to complete this week's handouts.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of Romans
Today. students competed against other classes for who can come up with the most answers to the following question in five minutes, "List the problems in controlling a vast empire". Next, students watched a video on Roman contributions and finally, students had work time to complete this week's handouts.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Roman Legion and Quiz Conferences
ELO 2 and 3 -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of Romans
Today, students will watch a video about the Roman Legion, which was instrumental in expanding Romes empire. Next, students will work on quiz conferences, retakes and make-ups. Any students that passed the assessment will have a handout on the legion to complete. I have attached a copy of the upcoming assessments. Students received a handout on dates and expectations.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of Romans
Today, students will watch a video about the Roman Legion, which was instrumental in expanding Romes empire. Next, students will work on quiz conferences, retakes and make-ups. Any students that passed the assessment will have a handout on the legion to complete. I have attached a copy of the upcoming assessments. Students received a handout on dates and expectations.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Quiz - ELO 1 - Republic to Empire
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
Today, students applied their knowledge of the expansion of the Roman Republic. It was important for students to use specific detail in their answers. Students will have an opportunity to retake next week.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Quiz Review
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
Additional Reading for Social Studies Quiz
Today, students discussed and reviewed information for the assessment tomorrow. Upon entering the room students had to decide rather they would rather live in a Republic or Empire. Next, students watched a short video about the death of Julius Caesar. Finally, students participated in a Kahoot game to prepare for the assessment tomorrow. There was a review session available during iExcel for any students that were interested.
Additional Reading for Social Studies Quiz
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Crossing the Rubicon and Republic Review
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
Today, students moved around the room playing Plebeian or Patrician. I read a statement about the groups of citizens and students moved to the correct group. Next, the class reviewed their timelines to prepare for the level 3 question, "Explain how Rome expanded from a Republic to an Empire. In you opinion, was it worth the cost?". To understand more about Julius Caesar and his crossing of the Rubicon, we watched a short video. Finally, students had the last 10-15 minutes to study for the quiz on Thursday.

Monday, March 27, 2017
Republic vs. Empire
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
Today, students compared an empire to a republic. Next, students completed their timeline on the expansion of the Republic. The timeline is due at the beginning of class tomorrow. This assignment will be critical to success on their quiz.
Plebeian Revolt
Friday, March 24, 2017
Timeline of Roman Expansion
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
Today, students took an entrance slip to check their understanding of the following vocabulary: Tribunes, consul, assembly, plebeians, patricians, senate. Students that earn a 100% score on the slip will not have to do it on the quiz next week. Next, students started reading an article about the four periods of expansion in the Roman Republic. Students organized their notes into a timeline. The timeline will be a study guide for the quiz.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Map of Roman Republic and Punic Wars
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
Today, students located and labeled important cities, bodies of water, rivers, and mountains in Ancient Rome. Students also outlined the borders of the Roman Republic and Empire. Students filled in notes on a study guide about the Roman Republic. Students are preparing for a quiz about the expansion of the Roman Republic and the cost of the expansion. Students will have a quiz next Thursday. Students will work on the study guide tomorrow.
Today, students located and labeled important cities, bodies of water, rivers, and mountains in Ancient Rome. Students also outlined the borders of the Roman Republic and Empire. Students filled in notes on a study guide about the Roman Republic. Students are preparing for a quiz about the expansion of the Roman Republic and the cost of the expansion. Students will have a quiz next Thursday. Students will work on the study guide tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Roman Republic to Empire

Today, students took notes on the rise of the Roman Republic. Students will be adding to these notes throughout this unit. Between notes students will play tic-tac-toe for a brainbreak. It was common for kids to play this on the walls in Ancient Rome.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Back to Learning - Map of Rome
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
Today, I outlined the plan for the week and late or missing projects. Next, students finished watching the Pompeii video. The video led to a discuss on the location and importance of Pompeii. Students located and labeled Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, Rome and the Tiber river on a map. The map will be completed on Tuesday.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Mediterranean Food Fest
Ancient Rome Learning Goals -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans
Mediterranean Food Fest is today!!
Today, the students enjoyed a sampling of different food and finished watching the Pompeii video.
Have a wonderful spring break!
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans
Mediterranean Food Fest is today!!
Today, the students enjoyed a sampling of different food and finished watching the Pompeii video.
Have a wonderful spring break!
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Pompeii and Roman Numerals
Ancient Rome Learning Goals -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans
Today, students will begin watching a video about Pompeii. Pompeii was the city destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE. Students will finish the video on Friday during the Mediterranean Food fest. Students will complete an exit slip about Roman numerals.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans
Today, students will begin watching a video about Pompeii. Pompeii was the city destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE. Students will finish the video on Friday during the Mediterranean Food fest. Students will complete an exit slip about Roman numerals.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Roman Numerals and Vocabulary
Ancient Rome Learning Goal -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans

Today, students will learn Roman numerals from 1-10000. Students will be able to write and read roman numerals for the end of the week. Students will also check their mind maps and discuss some vocabulary about Ancient Rome.
Reminder - Mediterranean Food Fest Friday!
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans

Today, students will learn Roman numerals from 1-10000. Students will be able to write and read roman numerals for the end of the week. Students will also check their mind maps and discuss some vocabulary about Ancient Rome.
Reminder - Mediterranean Food Fest Friday!
Ancient Rome Primer
Ancient Rome Learning Goal -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans
Today, students will create a mind map to understand the basic facts about the Ancient Rome. The web must contain at least 10 facts from the handout. The web will help students throughout the unit. Students will also participate in a brain break and group competitions all class long.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans
Today, students will create a mind map to understand the basic facts about the Ancient Rome. The web must contain at least 10 facts from the handout. The web will help students throughout the unit. Students will also participate in a brain break and group competitions all class long.
Reminder- Mediterranean Food fest is Friday

Monday, March 6, 2017
Introduction to Rome
Ancient Rome Learning Goal -
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans
Today, students will discuss missing projects, food fest handouts, and upcoming events. The Mediterranean Food Fest is on Friday and food options are pouring in. It should be a fun experience for students. Students will be introduced to the new learning goals for Ancient Rome and play a Kahoot to assess their prior knowledge of Rome.
I can identify the contributing factors that led to the rise and fall of Roman culture and society
I can examine the factors and events that played a role in Rome's transition from Republic to an Empire
I can describe what daily life was like in the Roman Empire
I can evaluate the major legal, artistic, architectural, and literary achievements of the Romans
Today, students will discuss missing projects, food fest handouts, and upcoming events. The Mediterranean Food Fest is on Friday and food options are pouring in. It should be a fun experience for students. Students will be introduced to the new learning goals for Ancient Rome and play a Kahoot to assess their prior knowledge of Rome.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Ancient Greece Project Wrap up and Extension Activity (Thursday and Friday)
Ancient Greece ELO 3 - I can investigate, identify, and debate several Greek contributions, events, and people
To finish the week, students need to submit electronically or hand in their project by Friday. Students that can receive feedback if they submit their project early. If students finish on Thursday, they will be able to work on a web search activity to learn more about Ancient Greece. If students are finished on Friday, they will be able to compete in a quiz bowl. On Monday, students will be introduced to Ancient Rome.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Tomorrow is the last workday!
Ancient Greece ELO 3 - I can investigate, identify, and debate several Greek contributions, events, and people
Today, students learned how to add a conclusion to their essays. The project is due on Friday. Students can electronically submit their projects at tinyurl.com/hajek707. Go to the Chick here option and follow the steps. On Monday, students will start learning about Ancient Rome. There will be a Mediterranean Food Fest on Friday, March 10th.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Only three workdays remaining...
Ancient Greece ELO 3 - I can investigate, identify, and debate several Greek contributions, events, and people
Today, students moved from researching to organizing information into a graphic organizer before they type. We are moving into the final days to complete the project in class. Projects are due Friday. There will be extension activities for those students that finish early. The next unit is Ancient Rome, it will start on Monday.
Monday, February 27, 2017
How to craft an introduction and Project workday
Ancient Greece ELO 3 - I can investigate, identify, and debate several Greek contributions, events, and people
Today, students learned the steps for writing a concise informative introduction. This will help students for their essay writing or presenting a speech. Students used the rest of class time to complete one of the following: researching, filling out a graphic organizer or create a final project. I sent an e-mail today for students who will need extra work time.
•Catchy opening/Hook/Grab reader’s attention
•Give a few brief sentences of summary about story/time/place
•Last sentence of the introduction =THESIS
–The one sentence that states what the entire will essay will prove – The premise or central argument
–The most important sentence in the essay
–Usually 3 pronged
The magic number is 3
Friday, February 24, 2017
Research Days 2 and 3
Ancient Greece ELO 3 - I can investigate, identify, and debate several Greek contributions, events, and people
The emphasis during the class two work days was on research for the project. I presented instruction on developing research questions and organizing information using a graphic organizer. The Greek contribution project will be due on Friday, March 3rd. Students must include all sources, notes and the final product. Students will have most of next week to work on this project. Students will start staying after school next week if they are behind.
The emphasis during the class two work days was on research for the project. I presented instruction on developing research questions and organizing information using a graphic organizer. The Greek contribution project will be due on Friday, March 3rd. Students must include all sources, notes and the final product. Students will have most of next week to work on this project. Students will start staying after school next week if they are behind.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Debate Day 2 and Greek Contribution Project
Ancient Greece ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta.
Ancient Greece ELO 3 - I can investigate, identify, and debate several Greek contributions, events, and people
Today, half the class completed their Athens vs. Sparta debate. Tomorrow, I will start pulling kids to the side to reassess their knowledge and provide feedback. The other half of the students started research for the Greek contributions project, which is pictured below. All students will continue researching tomorrow. It will be important for students keep track of all their sources.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Athens vs. Sparta Team Prep
Ancient Greece ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta.
Today, students met with their teams to strategize for the debate. Day 1 of the debate will take place tomorrow during class. Day 2 will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 21st during class. Students will be graded on their preparation and performance during the debate. The debate will count as their grade for this learning goal. Some students will have work time tomorrow to finish their debate preparation.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Argument Writing continued...
Ancient Greece ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta.
Today, students continued writing their arguments for the Athens vs. Sparta debate. For example, "Athens is better than Sparta because they have a strong navy". The evidence would be, " At the height of Athens, the fleet had over 400 ships". All students will write at least three arguments with evidence. On Wednesday, students will strategize with their team for the debates. Day 1 is on Thursday and Day 2 is on the following Tuesday.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Athens vs. Sparta Formative Assessment and Argument Writing
Ancient Greece ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta.
Today, students took a short quiz on their knowledge of Athens and Sparta. Students that receive higher scores on the quiz will be placed in the first debate on Thursday. After the quiz, students wrote arguments for their city-state. Students will have the opportunity to use computers for research to improve their argument strength.

Thursday, February 9, 2017
Athens vs. Sparta continued...
Ancient Greece ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta.

Today, students checked two assignments in class,"Life in Athens" and "Life in Sparta". Students solved puzzles to keep their minds active. Next, students had work time to complete a graphic organizer comparing the two city-states. Next week, students will begin planning their arguments for a debate.
Today, students checked two assignments in class,"Life in Athens" and "Life in Sparta". Students solved puzzles to keep their minds active. Next, students had work time to complete a graphic organizer comparing the two city-states. Next week, students will begin planning their arguments for a debate.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Athens vs. Sparta and Quiz Conferences
Today, students will work on a graphic organizer to understand the general information about the city-states of Athens and Sparta. This will prepare students to debate for a specific city-state. During this work time, students will conference one-on-one with the teacher over their government quizzes.
Greek Government Quiz!
ELO 1 - I can compare the four forms of government in Ancient Greece.
Quizzes will be graded immediately and quiz conferences will take place tomorrow during class. Some students still need to finish or take their quizzes tomorrow. So far most students are doing pretty well!
Quizzes will be graded immediately and quiz conferences will take place tomorrow during class. Some students still need to finish or take their quizzes tomorrow. So far most students are doing pretty well!

Monday, February 6, 2017
Greece Government Kahoot Review
ELO 1 - I can compare the four forms of government in Ancient Greece.
Today, students will try a brain puzzle on the board. Next, students will have the option of completing their study guide, working on the level 4 question or emptying their old handouts from their binders. Lastly, students will compete in a Kahoot game to review. The quiz for government is tomorrow.
Today, students will try a brain puzzle on the board. Next, students will have the option of completing their study guide, working on the level 4 question or emptying their old handouts from their binders. Lastly, students will compete in a Kahoot game to review. The quiz for government is tomorrow.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Partner Quiz and Study Guide
ELO 1 - I can compare the four forms of government in Ancient Greece.
Today, students worked with a partner to complete a quiz before anyone else. Next, students created a handshake with their partner, which some shared with the class. Finally, students had time to fill out and finish their study guides for the quiz on Tuesday.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Government Study Guide and the Discus Finals
ELO 1 - I can compare the four forms of government in Ancient Greece.
Today, students began class by answering the following question, "Why do we learn about the history other forms of government?" Next, students finished their government stations and Alexander the Great assignment. The class discussed their answers to the stations. All students received their study guides for the quiz. Finally, students took a multiple-choice quiz to check their understanding of the types of governments.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Alexander the Great and Government Stations
ELO 1 - I can compare the four forms of government in Ancient Greece.
Today, students worked in groups to complete stations about the four governments (Oligarchy, Monarchy, Democracy, and Tyranny). The government stations helped students understand why each government is good or bad for people involved. Finally, students read and answered questions on an article about Alexander the Great. Students will finish their stations tomorrow and discuss their answers. The quiz will be on Tuesday, Feb. 7th.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Oligarchy, Tyranny and Democracy
ELO 1 - I can compare the four forms of government in Ancient Greece.
Today, students took notes on the advantages and disadvantages of Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy in Ancient Greece. The assessment will be next Tuesday in will cover the definition and pros/cons. Students also competed in round two of discus for the Classroom Olympic Challenge.
Today, students took notes on the advantages and disadvantages of Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy in Ancient Greece. The assessment will be next Tuesday in will cover the definition and pros/cons. Students also competed in round two of discus for the Classroom Olympic Challenge.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Battle of Marathon, Discus and Governments of Greece
ELO 1 - I can compare the forms of government in Ancient Greece
Today, students used their evidence from the video and a reading to explain how the Greeks defeated Persians at the Battle of Marathon. While students were finishing up their paragraphs, students competed in a discus competition in class. Finally, students started taking notes on the government of Ancient Greece (Oligarchy, Democracy, Tyranny, and Monarchy).
Today, students used their evidence from the video and a reading to explain how the Greeks defeated Persians at the Battle of Marathon. While students were finishing up their paragraphs, students competed in a discus competition in class. Finally, students started taking notes on the government of Ancient Greece (Oligarchy, Democracy, Tyranny, and Monarchy).
Friday, January 27, 2017
Legacies Formative Assessment and Battle of Marathon
Today, students began class by checking their understanding of the legacies from Ancient Greece. It was a non-graded, 12 question quiz over the legacies discussed in class. Next, students watched a video depicting the Battle of Marathon. The goal for every student is to explain how the Greeks defeated the Persians. Students used the evidence from the video to write a RACE strategy paragraph, which they will finish on Monday.
Greek Legacies Part II
Today, students learned about the rest of the Greek legacies (architecture, classification, Hippocratic oath, marathon, Socratic method). The last three students competed for the championship in thumb wrestling. Students viewed videos the modern discus and javelin to compare to the Ancient Olympics.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Greek Legacies!!!
Today, students watched two videos, one about Pankration and the other about Greco-Roman wrestling. Students discussed the difference between modern and ancient versions. Next, students discussed and created a set of notes for the following legacies: Olympics, Democracy, trial by jury, epics and mythology. Students competed in the third round of thumb wrestling. The championship is tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Map Questions and Greek Legacies
Today, students checked their maps and answered a set of thinking questions to make observations and judgments about the geography. Next, some students competed in round two of the thumb wrestling tournament. Finally, we started a discussion on the legacies of Ancient Greece. Students will be doing test retakes all week.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Maps of Greece and Olympic Wrestling
Today, students began class by learning about Pankration (boxing and wrestling) and Ancient Olympic wrestling. Students competed in a thumb wrestling competition. The next round of competition will take place tomorrow, students needed a record of 2-1 or 3-0 to move on. Finally, students finished their maps of Greece. During work time, I pulled students to the front of the room for a quiz conference. Retakes must be done by Friday or students will have a detention.
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