ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism and their influence on society.
Today, students were returned to students at the beginning of class. All students had about 35 minutes to complete their essays. I will try to grade the essays before holiday break. Any students that miss the writing opportunity will complete the essay after break.
ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Ancient Chinese Philosophies of Confucianism, Taoism/Daoism, Legalism and their influence on society.
Today, students finished writing and reviewed their outlines at the beginning of class. To ensure all students have time to write their essays, students started writing today and will finish tomorrow. On Thursday, students will be taking part in Tai Chi and chopsticks activities.
ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Ancient Chinese philosophies of Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism and their influence on society.
Today, students will do a quick review on the board. Next, students will work on their essay outlines with a learning associate. Students should feel comfortable sharing ideas with their student associate. These outlines will be essential for performing well on the quiz. Computers will be available for additional research.
ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Chinese philosophies Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism for their influence on society
Today, students reviewed the main values of Confucianism. These consist of good manners, integrity, respect, charity, and morals. Next, students got with their groups and presented skits for the class. The class had to explain what happened in each skit and how it related to a certain philosophy.
ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast Taoism, Legalism and Confucianism and their influence on society in Ancient China.
Today, students took a mock civil service exam, which was also a formative assessment to check for understanding. Students that passed received a government position (signatures). Next, students had time to complete their skits and a few groups were able to present. I passed back their geography quizzes and provided students with an essay outline to prepare for the quiz.
Essay will be Tuesday and Wednesday next week
ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the Legalism, Daoism and Confucianism and their influence on society.
Today, students figured out Ying Yang opposites on the board to get the class started. Next, they took notes on Legalism and its basic teachings. Finally, students had time to write and practice their skits, which we will present tomorrow. The quiz for the three philosophies will be on Wednesday, Dec. 21.
Legalism Punishment -
ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the three main philosophies and their influence on society.

Yesterday, I was sick and unable to teach. The students checked their graphic organizers and watched a video about Laozi, the founder of Taoism. Finally, students studied an individual philosophy, which they will use to create a skit.
Today, students finished studying their philosophy and began creating their skits. The skits will be performed on Friday during class time. Students also took notes on some information about Taoism. The students were asked to create a list of the relationships in their lives to understand Confucius
Teacher to student
Father to son
Coach to player
Friend to Friend
Ruler to subject
(Must show respect and higher person most show a good example.
ELO 2 - I can compare and contrast the influence the three philosophies had on society in Ancient China
Yesterday, students started working on a graphic organizer to get basic information on Confucisiam, Daoism and Legalism. These are the three main philosophies to come out of Ancient China. They had a big influence on the government and culture during the civilization. We will discuss that influence and the teachings of each founder. While working, I will be calling students forward to go over their quizzes individually and grades will be entered this weekend.
Today, students watched a short video on Confucius and his teachings. We will do this for all three philosophies throughout next week. Students continued to finish their graphic organizers which are due on Monday. Some students had to finish their quiz conferences as well today.
ELO 1 - I can analyze how the geography of the area shaped early development of China
Today, students took the quiz on the geography of China. If students do not finish the quiz in class, they can finish during iExcel or tomorrow in class. All students will have a conference during class time tomorrow about their quiz. Students will begin learning about the three main philosophies of Ancient China.
ELO 1 - I can analyze how the geography of the area shaped early development of Ancient China.
Today, students began class by using their knowledge of geography to match pictures of China to features. After matching the images students will check their Inner China handout. Finally, students will watch more of the Miracle on Everest video. Most classes had time to study for the quiz tomorrow.
Islands off the coast of China in the Pacific Ocean
ELO 1 - I can analyze how the geography of the area shaped early development of Ancient China.
Today, students began class by reviewing the geography by playing a Quizlet or flash cards. Next, students will have work time to fill out their review sheet. Students also checked part of their packet related to Outer China. Finally, students were able to watch more of the video about a rescue of climbers on Mount Everest.
Quiz on Wednesday
ELO 1 - I can analyze how the geography of the area shaped early development of China.
Today, students worked in a small group or with a partner on the two main features of Ancient China (Chang Jiang Basins and North China Plain). After students finish learning about Inner China, they will receive a review sheet to prepare for the quiz on Wednesday, Dec. 7. If there is time, students will start watching a video on Mount Everest.
North China Plain
ELO - I can analyze how the geography of the area shaped Ancient China.
Today, students answered the following question on the board at the beginning of class (What would you tell someone who wanted to live in Outer China?) After discussing the answer students will work on a graphic organizer to understand the features of Outer and Inner China with a partner or the teacher in a small group. Some classes began watching a video on Mount Everest. The brainbreak was signing my name is _________ to another student.
Question - What would you say to someone who wanted to move to Outer China?