Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Social Classes in Ancient China

Learning Goal - I can explain the role different social classes in Ancient China

QOD - 

Fill in the Blanks

Look at the statements below and then rearrange them in the correct order to represent the Dynastic Cycle. The first event in this cycle is underlined. Number the remaining 2-6. (I suggest that you use a pencil.)
___1___ Strong dynasty establishes peace and prosperity; it is considered to have the Mandate of Heaven.
____6__ Dynasty is overthrown through rebellion and bloodshed; new dynasty emerges.
____3__ Over time, dynasty declines and becomes corrupt; taxes are raised; power grows weaker.
___2___  A new dynasty gains power, restores peace and order, and claims to have Mandate of Heaven.
____4__ On top of that, disasters such as floods, famines, peasant revolts, and invasions occur.

____5_____ Old dynasty is seen as having lost Mandate of Heaven; rebellion is justified.

Today, students will create illustrations to represent the social classes of the Shang dynasty of Ancient China.  At the end of class students will watch part of a video on Chinese Dynasties.

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