Today, students took notes on the advantages and disadvantages of Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy in Ancient Greece. The assessment will be next Tuesday in will cover the definition and pros/cons. Students also competed in round two of discus for the Classroom Olympic Challenge.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Oligarchy, Tyranny and Democracy
ELO 1 - I can compare the four forms of government in Ancient Greece.
Today, students took notes on the advantages and disadvantages of Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy in Ancient Greece. The assessment will be next Tuesday in will cover the definition and pros/cons. Students also competed in round two of discus for the Classroom Olympic Challenge.
Today, students took notes on the advantages and disadvantages of Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy in Ancient Greece. The assessment will be next Tuesday in will cover the definition and pros/cons. Students also competed in round two of discus for the Classroom Olympic Challenge.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Battle of Marathon, Discus and Governments of Greece
ELO 1 - I can compare the forms of government in Ancient Greece
Today, students used their evidence from the video and a reading to explain how the Greeks defeated Persians at the Battle of Marathon. While students were finishing up their paragraphs, students competed in a discus competition in class. Finally, students started taking notes on the government of Ancient Greece (Oligarchy, Democracy, Tyranny, and Monarchy).
Today, students used their evidence from the video and a reading to explain how the Greeks defeated Persians at the Battle of Marathon. While students were finishing up their paragraphs, students competed in a discus competition in class. Finally, students started taking notes on the government of Ancient Greece (Oligarchy, Democracy, Tyranny, and Monarchy).
Friday, January 27, 2017
Legacies Formative Assessment and Battle of Marathon
Today, students began class by checking their understanding of the legacies from Ancient Greece. It was a non-graded, 12 question quiz over the legacies discussed in class. Next, students watched a video depicting the Battle of Marathon. The goal for every student is to explain how the Greeks defeated the Persians. Students used the evidence from the video to write a RACE strategy paragraph, which they will finish on Monday.
Greek Legacies Part II
Today, students learned about the rest of the Greek legacies (architecture, classification, Hippocratic oath, marathon, Socratic method). The last three students competed for the championship in thumb wrestling. Students viewed videos the modern discus and javelin to compare to the Ancient Olympics.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Greek Legacies!!!
Today, students watched two videos, one about Pankration and the other about Greco-Roman wrestling. Students discussed the difference between modern and ancient versions. Next, students discussed and created a set of notes for the following legacies: Olympics, Democracy, trial by jury, epics and mythology. Students competed in the third round of thumb wrestling. The championship is tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Map Questions and Greek Legacies
Today, students checked their maps and answered a set of thinking questions to make observations and judgments about the geography. Next, some students competed in round two of the thumb wrestling tournament. Finally, we started a discussion on the legacies of Ancient Greece. Students will be doing test retakes all week.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Maps of Greece and Olympic Wrestling
Today, students began class by learning about Pankration (boxing and wrestling) and Ancient Olympic wrestling. Students competed in a thumb wrestling competition. The next round of competition will take place tomorrow, students needed a record of 2-1 or 3-0 to move on. Finally, students finished their maps of Greece. During work time, I pulled students to the front of the room for a quiz conference. Retakes must be done by Friday or students will have a detention.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Late Start and Quiz
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions
After some quick instructions students started on their quizzes. If students finished early, students could practice drawing some Chinese characters on the back of their quiz. Tomorrow students will have quiz conferences and learn about the geography of Ancient Greece.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Chinese Dynasty Kahoot
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions
Students finished their study guides and competed in a Kahoot! Mod 6 had the highest percentage of correct answers. The quiz is tomorrow!
Students finished their study guides and competed in a Kahoot! Mod 6 had the highest percentage of correct answers. The quiz is tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Silk Road and Review
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions
Today, students will watch a short video about the Silk Road. Students will be expected to fill out a handout while viewing. Below are the questions for the handout. Next, students will review the dynastic cycle as a class. Finally, students will have the rest of class time to complete their study guides and review. The quiz is on Thursday!
1. Approximately, how long was the Silk Road?
2. True/ False. The Silk Road was a single road that started
in Rome and ended in China.
3. What types of goods were traded on the Silk Road?
4. What did the Chinese trade? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. What major ideas or concept did the Silk Road help to
spread? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Is the idea of global interconnectedness good
for the world? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thursday, January 12, 2017
Rise a of Dynasty Day 2
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions
Today, students competed in the final rounds of the dynasty game. There were a lot of attempts to challenge the top dynasty and claim the Mandate of Heaven. Students really got into the game, it was exciting. Next week, students will learn about the Silk Road and Terracotta soldiers, along with studying for the quiz on Thursday. Some students still need to do retakes before grades are complete.
Today, students competed in the final rounds of the dynasty game. There were a lot of attempts to challenge the top dynasty and claim the Mandate of Heaven. Students really got into the game, it was exciting. Next week, students will learn about the Silk Road and Terracotta soldiers, along with studying for the quiz on Thursday. Some students still need to do retakes before grades are complete.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Rise of a Dynasty Game!!!
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions
Today, students participated in groups of five to six students. Each group was a dynasty in Chinese history. The goal of the game was to learn about contributions of the dynasties and the dynastic cycle. Students took a quiz yesterday to find out how many soldiers would be in their army. Students will compete for bonus cards and soldiers to claim the Mandate of Heaven. This game will last about two days. Students will quiz over the contributions and the dynasty cycle on Thursday of next week.
Today, students participated in groups of five to six students. Each group was a dynasty in Chinese history. The goal of the game was to learn about contributions of the dynasties and the dynastic cycle. Students took a quiz yesterday to find out how many soldiers would be in their army. Students will compete for bonus cards and soldiers to claim the Mandate of Heaven. This game will last about two days. Students will quiz over the contributions and the dynasty cycle on Thursday of next week.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Rise of a Dynasty Quiz
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions
Today, some classes finished competing in the geography bee. Tomorrow I will post the winners on this blog from each mod. Next, students completed a quiz to check for understanding and prepare for the dynasty game that all classes will play on Wednesday and Thursday. This is my first year trying this dynasty game and I am very excited. Finally, students finished watching the Great Wall video. I wanted all students to know why it was built, what is was made out of, where it was built and was it worth the cost?
Today, some classes finished competing in the geography bee. Tomorrow I will post the winners on this blog from each mod. Next, students completed a quiz to check for understanding and prepare for the dynasty game that all classes will play on Wednesday and Thursday. This is my first year trying this dynasty game and I am very excited. Finally, students finished watching the Great Wall video. I wanted all students to know why it was built, what is was made out of, where it was built and was it worth the cost?

Monday, January 9, 2017
Geo Bee Round 3 - Check Graphic organizer
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions.
Today, students competed in the third round of the geography bee. The class will finish the bee tomorrow and the winners will be selected. The schoolwide geography bee will be held on Thursday, Jan. 12. Next, students checked their dynasty graphic organizers. Finally, students finished watching a video about the Great Wall of China.
Today, students competed in the third round of the geography bee. The class will finish the bee tomorrow and the winners will be selected. The schoolwide geography bee will be held on Thursday, Jan. 12. Next, students checked their dynasty graphic organizers. Finally, students finished watching a video about the Great Wall of China.

Friday, January 6, 2017
The Great Wall of China and Geography Bee Round 2
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions
Today, students competed in round two of the geography bee. Round two is called History Happens and the questions are from US History. After checking student their answer, students started watching a video about the Great Wall of China. This was an important contribution of the Qin dynasty and other dynasties added to the structure. Large portions of the Great Wall were created using the pounded earth method.

Today, students competed in round two of the geography bee. Round two is called History Happens and the questions are from US History. After checking student their answer, students started watching a video about the Great Wall of China. This was an important contribution of the Qin dynasty and other dynasties added to the structure. Large portions of the Great Wall were created using the pounded earth method.

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Geography Bee Round 1 and Dynasty Graphic Organizer
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions
Today, students will begin class with round one of the geography bee. The geography bee will continue until there is one student left in each mod. Students, who win their mod will go up against 6th and 8th-grade winners on Thursday, Jan. 12th after school. Students will know if they won by Tuesday, Jan. 10. Next, students work either individual, with a partner or in a small group to fill in their graphic organizer. The graphic organizer is due for homework tomorrow.
Today, students will begin class with round one of the geography bee. The geography bee will continue until there is one student left in each mod. Students, who win their mod will go up against 6th and 8th-grade winners on Thursday, Jan. 12th after school. Students will know if they won by Tuesday, Jan. 10. Next, students work either individual, with a partner or in a small group to fill in their graphic organizer. The graphic organizer is due for homework tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Shang and Zhou Dynasties
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions.
Today, students solved a puzzle to get their mind ready for class. Next, we sang the dynasty song again to understand the pronunciation of the dynasty names (Shang, Zhou (joe), Qin (Chin), Han).
The class worked together on a graphic organizer to learn why the Shang and Zhou dynasty rose and fell and their achievements. Tomorrow students will read about the Qin and Han.
Today, students solved a puzzle to get their mind ready for class. Next, we sang the dynasty song again to understand the pronunciation of the dynasty names (Shang, Zhou (joe), Qin (Chin), Han).
The class worked together on a graphic organizer to learn why the Shang and Zhou dynasty rose and fell and their achievements. Tomorrow students will read about the Qin and Han.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
First Day Back - Dynasty Cycle
ELO 3 - I can describe the dynasty cycle and classify dynasties with their contributions.
Today, students discussed their break and wrote resolutions for the class. Students had to write a personal resolution (behavior or academic) and a resolution for Mr. Hajek. Next, students will take notes on the dynasty cycle and how it worked. For fun, students did a sing along to learn the different dynasties of Ancient China.
Today, students discussed their break and wrote resolutions for the class. Students had to write a personal resolution (behavior or academic) and a resolution for Mr. Hajek. Next, students will take notes on the dynasty cycle and how it worked. For fun, students did a sing along to learn the different dynasties of Ancient China.

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